ERA Chapter Services - Event Assistance

ERA Chapter Event Assistance

ERA is happy to assist your chapter in managing your chapter event, including EMAIL CAMPAIGNS, CALENDAR LISTINGS in the ERA website calendar as well as EVENT REGISTRATION FORMS and ONLINE PAYMENT COLLECTION.

Service Request Forms:

*A request form MUST be filled out before ERA promotes your chapter event.

We need all the information you have!

Before linking to the request forms, browse through some of the information requirements and options you’ll want to have available:


This information is required for all assistance, including calendar listings, registration forms and email marketing.

  • Event name, type, date, time, contact information (incl. phone and email), location, address, website, telephone #, registration fees (please provide ALL cost options (member vs non-member rates) and a detailed event description. Please provide as much detail as possible! WHY will people want to attend your event? Include items like special presentations, guest speaker name/bio/topic, round table discussions, etc.


In addition to the information above, you will need to specify your email list, that is, who you want the event invitation to be emailed to:

  • All ERA Chapter members
  • All ERA Chapter non-members
  • Both ERA Chapter members & non-members


  • You will need to provide us with ALL types of data you wish to collect from your registrants — including Contact Name, Contact Email, Contact Company. Other options include Contact telephone #, mailing address, company type, member type (members vs non-members) and additional attendee names.
  • Identify what type of information should be collected from each attendee (e.g., food selection, golf handicap info, DTAM participant, etc.; optional features – sponsorships, gifts or donations?)


A Stripe payment form can be set up (secure, online credit card payment) for your event. Registrants will receive an itemized receipt to their email. ERA can also provide invoicing, if needed.

Please provide all fees and options available to your attendees.