ERA Recognition and Awards

ERA Recognition and Awards

ERA recognizes those Members and Honorary Members who have contributed extraordinary time, talent and effort to the Electronics Representatives Association and the rep function in the electronics industry.

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The Hall of Fame is ERA’s most prestigious award and was established to honor an outstanding manufacturers’ representative in the electronics industry whose creativity, dignity, integrity, industriousness and accomplishments on a national basis have enhanced the representative system of selling, aided the representative’s status as a professional business entrepreneur and contributed to the electronics industry’s marketing capabilities and general growth.

1969 • Dan Bittan
1970 • Jim Schoonmaker
1971 • John W. Olsen
1973 • W. Bert Knight
1974 • Harry Estersohn
1975 • Jack Berman
1976 • Gene Rosen
1978 • Robert C. Trinkle
1979 • Harry Paston
1980 • James M. Flora
1981 • Clark R. Gibb
1982 • Jack Logan


1983 Bruce Anderson, CPMR
1984 • Raymond J. Hall (Honorary)
1988 • Jess Spoonts
1988 • Timothy M. Coakley, CPMR
1990 • Bernard C. Newman, Jr.
1993 Russell F. Diethert, CPMR
1994 Joel H. Schwartz
1995 • Eugene A. Foster
1996 • W. David McCoy
1999 Timothy H. Eyerman, CPMR
2004 Clark G. Moulthrop, CPMR
2023 Paul Nielsen, CPMR

This award honors present or past members of ERA who, by their contributions and service, have been significantly responsible for increasing the growth of ERA as a business association and/or have made a significant contribution toward enhancing fellow representatives’ professionalism, dignity and general stature. (• deceased)

Bill Mitchell, CPMR 1994

• Thomas Adams, Jr. 1993
Annette Paden 2003
• Dick Paden 2003
• William Scoggin, Jr. 1989

•Jim Houck, Sr. 1979
• Morris F. Taylor 1979

• Russell S. Diethert 1979
• Harry Halinton 1978
• Noel Kindt 1994
R. Edward Stemm 1979
• Royal Stemm 1979
Bobby Johnson 1995

Empire State
Neal Hunter 1979

• Dick Cushing 1989
Barry Farber 2007
Jess Harper, CPMR 1989
• Deon Hendrickson 1998
Allen Johnson, Jr., CPMR 2001
• Chuck Mathias 1993

Heart of America
• Richard W. Farris 1979
Jack Kelly 1989
Joseph O. Schmitz 1992
Dick Willeke, CPMR 1995

• Leslie M. DeVoe 1978
Carol Cohen 1995

Jamie Flora 1992
• Ross Merchant 1979
Dale Van Dale 1992

• S. K. MacDonald 1978
• Robert C. Trinkle 1993
• Wilmer S. Trinkle 1978

• Gene Foster 1987
• Mel Foster 1979
• Clark Gibb 1979
• Bill Klingner 1979

New England
• Hank Lavin 1979
Ray Perron 1979
Bob Sayd 1979

New York
• Steve Alford 2022
• Jules Bressler 1979
• Harold Gray 1978
• Ken Hughes 1979
• John Kopple 1979
Art Saftler 1985
• Perry Saftler 1978
• Wally Shulan 1979
• Ira Sussman 1981
•Murray Toback 1994

Northern California
• Ray Del Bucchia 1982
Dick Foley 1988
• Frank Lebell 1978
• Jack Logan 1983
• Bill Mackin 1985
• Tom Mollard 1988
•F. W. (Bud) Moulthrop 1982
• David Ross 1979
•Steve Ross 1994
• Hugo Shane 1985
Charles P. Shaw 1987
Robert F. Tokarski 1989

• Neal Bear, Sr. 1978
Herb Brumbach 2004
• Harry Crows 1997
Michael Kahsar 2009
Dave Locke 1997
• Augey Natalino 1997
Warren Rose 2000
• Ernest P. Scott 1978

Pacific Northwest
• Ted Silva 1992
• Don Smith 1978
• Carl Carlberg 1989
Richard Mayes 1993
• Paul Wright 1979

Rocky Mountain
• C. Edward Lindberg 1979

San Diego
Tony Earle 1986
• Tom McCarthy, CPMR 1988
• Eugene F. Peake 1990

Southern California
John Buffa 1997
Jack Carter 1979
Arthur Eggert 1987
Chuck Fetty 1979
Harrison Frank 1978
Jim Jordan 1984
Ed Landa 1979
Norm Marshank 1979
Jim Minyard 1988
Bert Moore 1989
John F. O’Halloran 1990
• Len Rosen 1985
• Howard Schoenduve 1979
George Ufen 1989
Rick Weiss 1984
Don West 1997

Spirit of St. Louis
• Bob Dillon 1988
• Don Geders, Sr., CPMR 1988
Norm Kathrinus 1979
• Ted Lowell 1979
Norm Roder, CPMR 1991

•Harold S. Kite 1989
•Ed Miller 1980

Listed by the year elected. (• deceased)

1935 • J. B. Price
1936 • Earl S. Dietrich
1937 • Perry Saftler
1938 • Dan Bittan
1939 • Samuel K. MacDonald
1944 • Irvin I. Aaron
1946 • Fred Ellinger
1947 • Leslie M. DeVoe
1948 • Henry Burwell
1949 • W. McFadden
1950 • J. Y. Schoonmaker
1951 • Wilmer S. Trinkle
1952 • Norman B. Neely
1953 • Russell S. Diethert
1954 • Wally Swank
1955 J. Kopple
1956 • R. W. Farris
1957 • Jules J. Bressler
1959 • Burt Porter
1960 • Wally Shulan
1962 • Charles E. Ault
1965 • Thomas N. Adams
1967 • Gene Rosen
1969 • Charles J. Sheridan
1971 • Jim Flora
1973 • Robert C. Trinkle

1975 • Clark R. Gibb
1977 • Harry Estersohn
1979 Bruce Anderson, CPMR
1981 • Jess Spoonts
1983 • Timothy M. Coakley, CPMR
1985 • Charles Tindal
1987 Russell F. Diethert, CPMR
1989 Joel H. Schwartz
1991 • W. David McCoy
1993 Timothy H. Eyerman, CPMR
1995 Glenn R. Alverson, CPMR
1997 Clark G. Moulthrop, CPMR
1999 Jess Harper, CPMR
2001 Mark Motsinger, CPMR
2003 Michael Kunz, CPMR
2005 David Rossi
2009 Robert Walsh, CPMR
2011 Mark Conley
2013 Paul Nielsen, CPMR
2017 Dan Parks, CPMR
2019 Dave Norris
2021 • Chuck Tanzola, CPMR
2023 John O’Brien, CPMR

This award was created in 2004 to honor Raymond J. Hall, ERA’s CEO of 40 years, upon his retirement in 2005. The award recognizes individuals who exemplify the Spirit of ERA through their significant contributions and consistent commitment to serving and advancing the professional field sales (rep) function.

Bryan White, CPMR (Ohio) 2023
Gary Lee Smith, CPMR (Southern California) 2022
Tom Griffin, CPMR (Ohio) 2021
John O’Brien, CPMR (New England) 2019
David Norris (New England) 2018
•Chuck Tanzola, CPMR (Empire State) 2017
Dan Parks, CPMR (Southern California) 2016
Tom Shanahan, ERA 2015
Bob Evans, CPMR (Chicagoland-Wisconsin) 2014
Bob Walsh, CPMR (New England) 2013
Bill Herold (Southern California) 2012
Carol Cohen (Indiana/Kentucky) 2011
Kathie Cahill, CPMR (Empire State) 2009
Paul Nielsen, CPMR (Chicagoland) 2008
Bruce Scoggin, CPMR (Carolinas) 2007
Mark Conley (No. California) 2006
Mark Motsinger, CPMR (Carolinas) 2005

The ERA White Pin Group was formed in 1960 and is comprised of member reps who have held volunteer leadership positions at the national level of ERA for at least two years and have given extraordinary amounts of time and talent to ERA.

The group established the Jess Spoonts – ERA White Pin Scholarship in 2006 to honor its long-time coordinator, the late E. Jess Spoonts of Dallas, Texas. Spoonts, a half-century veteran of the electronics industry, was a past president and chairman of ERA, a mentor to countless reps and other business associates, and one of only 23 members of the association’s Hall of Fame. He passed away in 2008.

Zachary DeVillers, CPMR (Chicagoland-Wisconsin) 2023
Annette Paden (Carolinas) 2022
Mark Motsinger, CPMR (Carolinas) 2021
Greg Thompson, CPMR (Carolinas) 2019
Ellen Coan, CPMR (Indiana/Kentucky) 2018
John Hutson, CPMR (New England) 2017
Buzz Reynolds (Carolinas) 2016
Holly Myers, CPMR (Carolinas) 2015
Bruce Scoggin, CPMR (Carolinas) 2014
Jeff Huntsinger (Chicagoland-Wisconsin) 2013
Dave Dasson, CPMR, CSP (Empire State) 2012
Bob Evans, CPMR (Chicagoland) 2011
•Chuck Tanzola, CPMR (Empire State) 2008
Richard A. Hobby, CPMR (Chicagoland) 2007
Chet Zaslow, CPMR (New England) 2006

The Electronics Representatives Association (ERA) Tess Hill Award was created to honor Tess Hill, a 50-year ERA staffer and others who exemplify her for their dedication, dependable work and years of loyalty to ERA.

The Tess Hill Award is presented annually to an individual who has worked tirelessly to advance the initiatives and spirit of ERA.

To receive this prestigious award, the individual needs to possess and portray a “can do” attitude while winning others over to support whatever challenges or programs are presented to him or her.

Holly Myers, Genie Group, 2023
Ellen Coan, CPMR (Indiana/Kentucky) 2022
Kathy Green, ERA, 2021
Karin Derkacz, ERA, 2020
Bob Evans, CPMR (Chicagoland-Wisconsin) 2019
Kathie Cahill, CPMR (Empire State)  2018
Tess Hill, ERA, 2017

The Tobin Bridge Award, created in 2020, was named in honor of ERA CEO Walter Tobin to recognize the significant and invaluable contributions that he has made to the ERA by his ability to bring the various constituencies of the electronics industry together. The award specifically recognizes an individual annually that has successfully “bridged” the gap between manufacturers’ representative, manufacturers and distributors while advancing the manufacturers’ representative. The recipient has shown vision, leadership and enthusiasm in working to build bridges of support and cooperation between the three groups.

Michael Knight, Endries International Inc. (2023)
Ken Bellero, Schaffner EMC (2022)
Craig Sanderson, Sager Electronics (2021)
Walter Tobin, ERA (2020)

The Chapters of the Year awards are given annually to chapters that go above and beyond in providing meaningful and successful chapter programs and events. The awards are based on three new categories starting in 2020: Education, Membership, and Networking.

ERA Chapters of the Year – 2022
Education: Northern California
Networking: Southwest
Marketing: Arizona
Special Projects: Empire

ERA Chapters of the Year – 2021
Education: Southern California
Membership: Florida-Sunshine
Networking: New England

ERA Chapters of the Year – 2020
Education: Carolinas
Membership: Chicagoland-Wisconsin
Networking: Arizona

ERA Chapters of the Year – 2019
Education: Chicagoland-Wisconsin
Membership and Member Services: Southwest
Special Projects: Florida-Sunshine
Marketing Services: Empire State

ERA Chapters of the Year – 2018
Education: Chicagoland-Wisconsin
Membership and Member Services: Southwest
Special Projects: Northern California
Marketing Services: Arizona

ERA Chapters of the Year – 2017
Education: Chicagoland-Wisconsin
Membership/Member Services: Carolinas
Marketing Services: Florida-Sunshine
Special Projects: Arizona

ERA Chapters of the Year – 2016
Education: Indiana-Kentucky
Membership/Member Services: Carolinas
Marketing Services: Empire State
Special Projects: New York

ERA Chapters of the Year — 2023
Education: Southern-California
Networking: New England
Membership: Ohio
Special Projects: Canada

ERA Chapters of the Year – 2015
Education: Chicagoland-Wisconsin
Membership/Member Services: New York
Marketing Services: Southern California
Special Projects: New England

ERA Chapters of the Year – 2014
Education: Southern California
Membership/Member Services: Chicagoland-Wisconsin
Marketing Services: New York
Special Projects: Southern California

ERA Chapters of the Year – 2013
Education: Chicagoland-Wisconsin
Membership/Member Services: Empire State
Marketing Services: New York
Special Projects: Southern California

ERA Chapters of the Year – 2012
Education: New York
Membership/Member Services: Carolinas
Marketing Services: Southern California
Special Projects: Carolinas

ERA Chapters of the Year – 2011
Education: Southern California
Membership/Member Services: Empire State
Marketing Services: New England
Special Projects: Chicagoland – Wisconsin

This award is bestowed upon those individuals who have been recognized by ERA as outstanding, active figures in the electronics industry. Honorary Members are not affiliated with member firms, members-at-large or international members and have contributed appreciably to the welfare of ERA. (• deceased)

• Erin Anderson, Ph.D., INSEAD
Harry Croner, Electronic Conv. Mgmt. (retired)
• Melvin H. Daskal, CPA, Daskal/ Spector Accountancy Corp.
• Fran Doyle, Armstrong Doyle Co. (retired)
• Bob Harris Sr., Harris Publishing Co. (retired)
Don Larson, Jacquard Systems
Peter F. McCloskey, EIA/ECA (retired)
Bill Weber, MultiDynamics

This award honors the contributions of ERA members who have volunteered their time above and beyond the call of duty. (• deceased)

A.F. “Hank” Anderson, Indiana/Kentucky
Bruce Anderson, CPMR, Chicagoland
Craig Anderson, CPMR, Chicagoland (1994, 1998)
• Erin Anderson, Ph.D., INSEAD
• Jack Berman, So. California
William R. Bess, Manufacturers’ Repres of America
• James M. Biga, Travel Counselor Service
• Timothy M. Coakley, CPMR, New England (1980, 1990)
Mark Conley, Northern California (2016)
Karin Derkacz, ERA (1995)
Don Duke, Indiana/Kentucky
Tim Eyerman, CPMR, Chesapeake
• Eugene A. Foster, Minnesota
Marilyn Friesen, Ed.D., MRERF
Robert Groh, So. California
Jess Harper, CPMR, Florida – Sunshine
Tess Hill, ERA (2001)
Bobby J. Hudson, Pacific NW
Ted Kilroy, Ohio

•Tom McCarthy, CPMR, San Diego
•W. David McCoy, Dixie
• John E. Merchant, Michigan
Edward W. Miller, Southwestern
•F.W. “Bud” Moulthrop, No. Calif.
Dick Neumann, Grayhill Inc. (2008)
Paul Nielsen, CPMR, Brainard-Nielsen Marketing, Inc. (2017)
•Harry Paston, Empire State
Kathleen Reed, Bourns, Inc.
•Arthur W. Saftler, New York
San Diego ERA
• Howard Schoenduve, No. Calif.
Joel Schwartz, New York
Bruce Scoggin, CPMR, Carolinas
•Clifton K. Snuffer, New England
• E. Jess Spoonts, Southwestern
• Robert C. Trinkle, Mid-Lantic
• Carmine A. Vignola, Heart of America
Bob Walsh, New England (2000)

The ERA Board of Directors has presented special awards of appreciation to the following manufacturing executives to recognize their outstanding and generous contributions to ERA projects.

Jim Hartranft
Phyllis Jones
Bob Terwall

The ERA White Pin Group was formed in 1960 and is comprised of member reps who have held volunteer leadership positions at the national level of ERA for at least two years and have given extraordinary amounts of time and talent to ERA.

The following individuals have served as officers, delegates or consultants and have given freely of their time and talent in the interest of the electronics industry and ERA:

Adriano (Myers) Lee (Honorary) 1993
Alecci George 2018
Alverson Glenn CPMR 1984
Anderson Adam 2022
Anderson Bruce CPMR 1971
Anderson Craig CPMR 1995
Anderson Jim 1993
Austrom Ph.D. Doug (Honorary) 1997
Barden Ben 2011
Barry Dennis 1998
Baxter Bob 2001
Bean Rett CPMR 1993
Beaver John 2018
Bell Christine 2022
Bellero Ken 2019
Blair Mary Ann 2000
Bohlig Charles 1982
Borenstein Bruce, CPMR 1996
Boysen Carroll (Honorary) 2020
Braun Joe 2020
Bresson Alan 2000
Brock Seth 2011
Brown Larry 1979
Brown Patrick C. (Honorary) 1995
Bruno Lori 2022
Budde Jr. Mike 2019
Budde Sr. Mike 2016
Burright Frank Jr. 1999
Butler Brad 2009
Cahill Kathie CPMR 2008
Carr Julie 2020
Charles Brent (Honorary) 2006
Chilcote Gary 1988
Coan Ellen 2006
Cohen Carol 1999
Cohen Matthew 2006
Collins Erin (Honorary) 2023
Conley Mark 2003
Coombs Kingsland CPMR CSP 2019
Cooper Steve, CPMR 2018
Cornell Tobi, CPMR 2016
Crockett Brian 1995
Croner Harry (Honorary) 1993
Crosswhite Mike
Curtin Ted, CPMR 2001
Daelemans Yolanda (Honorary) 2020
Daniels Jim 1983
Dasson Dave CPMR 2016
Dawson Bruce 1984
Derkacz Karin (Honorary) 1985
Diethert Russ 1980
Diercksmeier Tom CPMR
Donato Jorge 1987
Doyle John (Honorary) 1991
Earl Bill Jr. 1973
Eby Jennifer 2022
Ellis Emmett 2006
English Cameron CPMR 1998
Evans Bob, CPMR 2011
Eyerman Timothy CPMR 1988
Faiola Anthony 1988
Farber Barry 2001
Feige Larry, CPMR 1993
Filipowicz Frank 2006
Fitzgerald Dave 2011
Flanagan James 1998
Foley Dick 1979
Ford Todd 2020
Francis Jerry (Honorary) 1983
Friesen Marilyn Dr (Honorary) 1989
Gann Bret 2001
Gassman David CPMR 2009
Giammarco Cesare (Honorary) 2020
Gidden Bob 2008
Glazer Adam (Honorary) 2011
Glover Paul, CPMR 2016
Goodwyn Bonnie 2001
Gray Robin  (Honorary) 2003
Greaves Rich (Honorary) 2013
Griffin Tom 2013
Grigor Adam 2020
Groh,Robert J. 1987
Gunnin Troy 2006
Haas Eugene 1985
Harper Jess CPMR 1988
Harris Mike 2008
Harrison John 1995
Hart Susannah (Honoary) 2009
Harter Karen 1998
Haskell John (Honorary) 1986
Hawkins Bob, CPMR 1988
Herold Bill 2011
Herzog Stanton CPA (Honorary) 2011
Hill Tess (Honorary) 1996
Hipp Janet (Honorary) 1985
Hobby Rich 2002
Holloway Byron 2022
Houck Jim, Jr. 1979
Howard John 1995
Howe Jon (Honorary) 1979
Hudson Bobby J. 1982
Huntsinger Jeff 2011
Hutchins Jim 1993
Hutson John CPMR 2013
Huyck Paul 2001
Infanger Evie (Honorary) 1998
Jacobsen John 1993
Jakubowski Ben 1995
Jefferson Karen CPMR CSP (Honorary) 2011
Johns Ron 1995
Johnson Jr. Allen CPMR CSP 2002
Johnson Doug 2018
Johnson Terry 2002
Jordan Jim 1982

Kahsar Mike 1997
Kilroy Ted 1991
Klingner Cary 2008
Klumpp Gene 1984
Krauss Barry 1991
Kunz Mike CPMR 1993
Kusek Bob 1997
LaPiana Rick 2016
Larkin George 1979
Latimer John 2022
LeBrun Jud 1976
Lighthall Jr. John, CPMR 1998
Lindberg Scott CPMR 2000
Locke David 1975
Logan Robert CPMR 2011
Long Mike 2018
Longman Richard 1999
Lyons Ronald J. 1988
MacInnis Norm, CPMR 1995
Maguire Tom 1996
Mahrt Carla (Honorary) 2016
Malkowski Norm 1995
Marchiano Tom 1986
Martin Stephen (Honorary) 1997
May Jeff 2020
Mayo Scott (Honorary) 2008
McGillis Dennis 2001
Merchant Brook 2001
Minyard Jim 1984
Mitchell Barry 1977
Mitchell Bill CPMR 1991
Mitchell John (Honorary) 2023
Modafferi Dave 2002
Monroe Terry 2002
Moore Jim 2019
Motsinger Mark CPMR 1995
Moulthrop Clark CPMR 1991
Mullin Lloyd CPMR 1987
Myers David 1984
Myers-Joyner Holly CPMR 2013
Newman Gerry (Honorary) 1993
Nielsen Paul, CPMR 2006
Norris David 2003
O’Brien John 2006
Oie Gretchen (Honorary) 2006
Oliverio Sr. Tony 1999
Opalewski Tim 2000
Parks Dan CPMR 2008
Paston Harry 1964
Pecar Michael CPMR 1998
Perron Dean 1982
Ponto Gary CPMR 2011
Puzerewski Ray 1983
Rancilio Charles A. 1988
Rea Art 2008
Ridgley Wayne CPMR 1998
Roder Norm CPMR 1986
Rooker Sarah 2016 (Posthumously)
Rossi Dave 1997
Rothkopf Mike CPMR 1996
Ruffolo Thomas 1998
Sanderson Craig 2023
Schmerer Jack (Honorary) 2008
Schmitz Jr. Joseph O. 1987
Scholl Cynthia 1993
Schwartz Joel 1984
Schwartz Ron CPMR 1999
Scoggin Bruce CPMR 1988
Shanahan Tom (Honorary) 1998
Sharkey Ann (Honorary) 1985
Shirley Bryan CPMR 1998
Shor Richard 2000
Shyba Hugh 2019
Simari John (Honorary) 2020
Smith Gary Lee CPMR 2008
Smith Jim 1977
Smith Randy 1999
Specht Pete CPMR 1997
Spina Tom 1979 Honorary
Spoonts Steve CPMR 1991
Sproelich Aparna 2022
Starr Brad CPMR 2000
Steffes Bob CPMR 1996
Stevenson Tom 2013
Stoddard Richard CPMR 1998
Straube Terri 2019
Sullivan Bill 1996
Swenson Mike 2020
Teen Bryan 2018
Teal Tom 1996
Tennessen Steve 2022
Thornton Perry 2023
Tobin Walter (Honorary) 2018
Torigian Andrew 1988
Trankle Brian 1991
Umstead James 1982
Walsh Bob CPMR 2000
Walsh Pat 2009
Warfield Bill (Honorary) 2022
Weber Bill (Honorary) 1978
Weber Steve 1989
Webster Roger 1984
Weiss Nicki (Honorary) 2016
Welsh, Dalton 1997
West Don 1993
Whaley Chuck 2001
White Bryan 2019
Winchowky Wally 2006
Wilkes Dave 2022
Willeke Dick, CPMR 1991
Wilson Bill 1999
Winner Dave CPMR 2023
Wooldridge Chris 1989
Wooldridge Gary CPMR 1995
Zaslow Chet CPMR 2000
Ziskind Burt 2000
Zucker Art CPMR 1996

Life Members are individuals who have been employed by or associated with one or more firms as members in good standing of the association (regular, at-large or international) during a 20-year period. At the time of application for Life Membership, these individuals cannot be employed by or associated with a manufacturers’ representative business.

Harry Abramson, Ohio (2017)
M. Clifford Agress, New York
Neil Albert, Minnesota
Bill Bains, Rio Grande
Henry Batha, Chicagoland
Ray Blank, Pacific NW
Mike Boswell, Southwest (2023)
Jim Bourcy, Rocky Mountain
Bob Bracken, No. California
Irv Brown, New York
Jack Brown, New York
Larry Brown, Pacific Northwest
Herb Brumbach, Ohio
Al Bruning, Chicagoland
Joe Burgin, Chesapeake
R. M. “Bob” Campion, Southwestern
Cameron Cardy, Florida-Sunshine
Jack Carter, So. California
Richard Cherry, Florida-Sunshine
Johnie Conley, Florida-Sunshine
George Conneen, Mid-Lantic
Dick Conners, Rocky Mountain
Tom Cruse, Chesapeake
Charlie Curran, So. California
Gene Darnell, Michigan
Milt Dienes, Mid-Lantic
Robert Dillon, Spirit of St. Louis
C. J. “Red” Dorr, Arizona
Don Duke, Indiana/Kentucky
W. E. Earl, Jr., Pacific NW
Dale Eckeberger, Southwestern
E. C. Edwards, Ohio
Arthur Eggert, So. California
Wayne Enfinger, Florida-Sunshine
Tony English, So. California
Bob Evans, Chicagoland-Wisconsin
Tim Eyerman, CPMR, Chesapeake
Jim Fahy, Mid-Lantic
Charles R. Fetty, So. California
Jack Fields, New York
Sherm Fishman, No. California
Steve Fitzgerald, Mid-Lantic
James Forristal, Heart of America
David Frederickson, Florida
Jerome G. Friedman, New York
Martin Friedman, Mid-Lantic
Dwayne R. Fry, Rio Grande
Jack Geartner, Florida-Sunshine
Wilfrid Graham, Mid-Lantic
Bill Greenfield, So. California
Bill Grogan, Southwestern
Jess Harper, Florida-Sunshine
George Harris, Florida-Sunshine
Gene Hawkins, Florida-Sunshine
James Heaton, No. California
Harold Heft, New York
Jack Heidmiller, No. California
Art Henderson, Pacific Northwest
Ron Henkel, Rocky Mountain
Arthur Hirsch, Southwestern
Bill Hobson, Carolinas
Werner Hohmann, International
Jim Houck, Jr., Chesapeake
Barry Houser, New York
John Howard, Rocky Mountain
Jeff Huntsinger, Chicagoland-Wisconsin (2023)
William C. Jaudon, Florida-Sunshine
Dick Jensen, So. California
Bobby Johnson, Chicagoland
Randy Johnson, Chicagoland
Jim Jordan, So. California
Marion Jordan, So. California
Archie Joyner, Chicagoland
Michael Kahsar, Ohio
Bill Keikes, Florida-Sunshine
Jack Kelly, Heart of America
William G. Kelly, Heart of America
William P. Kenton, Heart of America
Richard Ferris Kimball, Southwestern
Harold Kite, Southwestern
Len Kosnik, Michigan
Barry Krause, So. California
Bud Kreh, Florida-Sunshine
George Lange, Rocky Mountain
Fred Lawrence, Florida-Sunshine
Gordon Leach, Pacific Northwest
John Liedtke, Ohio
William Linz, Chicagoland
Chuck Long, No. California
Dan Louro, So. California
Stan Lowitt, Ohio

Jay MacArthur, Canada
Norm MacInnis, New England
Ms. Beanie Macdonald, Mid-Lantic
Joe Maiocco, So. California
Tom Marchiano, New York
Robert L. Marshall, So. California
Bob Martin, Ohio
Richard A. Mayes, Rio Grande
John Maynard, Mid-Lantic
Dennis McGillis, So. California
Samuel F. McMechan, Michigan
David H. Meyers, Chesapeake
Ed Miller, Southwestern
Gerry Moch, New York
Bob O’Brien, So. California
Tony Oliverio, Ohio
Stephen Olson, No. California
Jay Ownby, Southern California
Robert Pacetelli, Florida-Sunshine
Harry Paston, Empire State
Dean Perron, New England
Elmer Pitcher, Michigan
Peggy Ponto, Pacific Northwest
Ed Pores, New York
Will Power, Michigan
Marv Quateman, Chicagoland
Ken Randall, Mid-Lantic
Ed Raymund, Florida-Sunshine
Art Rea, New York
Jim Reed, So. California
Ron Riesinger, Chicagoland-Wisconsin (2018)
Earle Rinker, No. California
Art Saftler, New York
Roger Sandmeier, So. California
Paul Schlaudroff, Indiana/Kentucky
Jim Schneider, Rocky Mountain
Ron Schwartz, So. Calilfornia
Bruce Scoggin, Carolinas
Ed Seversen, Chicagoland
Grant Shaffer, Florida-Sunshine
George Shelps, Mid-Lantic
Bernard T. Sherer, Mid-Lantic
Jack Simberkoff, New York
Lee Simon, Carolinas
Robert C. Simon, Florida-Sunshine
J. Earl Smith, Southwestern
Jim Smith, Rio Grande
T. Louis Snitzer, So. California
Thomas R. Snyder, Mid-Lantic
Charles Southern, IN/KY
Pete Specht. Florida-Sunshine
R.D. Spooner, Southwestern
John Stanfield, Southwestern
Edward Stemm, Chicagoland
Mike Stobin, So. California
Milton Stolaroff, So. California
Bill Sullivan, Rocky Mountain
Gordon Sunde, So. California
Al Thompson, So. California
John F. Thompson, Florida
Hal Thorpe, Pacific Northwest
Andy Torigian, New York
Mary Ellen Tucker, Florida-Sunshine
Richard E. Tydings, Mid-Lantic
George Ufen, So. California
Ellis Van Hoosear, Michigan
P. Van Valkenburgh, New York
B. J. Walig, Pacific NW
Harris Waren, Arizona
Rick Weiss, So. California
Richard West, So. California
Mary Dell Wilks, Southwestern
William Weiner, Chicagoland
Don West, So. California
Robert L. Wilkinson, Chesapeake
Richard Willeke, Heart of America
Jack Wilson, New England
W. Ben Wimberly, Florida-Sunshine
Bill Wylds, Southwestern
Logan Young, Spirit of St. Louis