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> Carolinas ERA Hosts 15th Annual Dick Paden Memorial Golf Tournament

Oct. 18, 2018
Source: Electronics Representatives Association

The Carolinas Chapter of ERA (CERA) recently concluded another successful scholarship fundraiser. The chapter’s 15th Annual Dick Paden Memorial Golf Tournament was held on Oct. 8, 2018, at the Crossings Golf Club in Durham, N.C. The event was attended by 104 golfers, including reps, distributors, manufacturers and customers.

From left to right: Julie Huang, Sanyo Denki; Jim Reiser, Sager; John Corn, Sager; Laura Miceli, Sager.

This event helps fund three $1,000 college scholarships to dependents of CERA member reps & DTAM participating distributors, as well as a generous donation to the American Diabetes Association.

This year’s winners include:

  • First place gross (Jim Davis, Kevin Bouziden, Larry Travers and Mark Craige)
  • Second place gross (Rick Vairo, Dennis Toothman, Rob Mahoney and Aparna Sproelich)
  • First place net (Bob Kirkland, Billy Case, Bob Ball and Cy Dallin)
  • Second place net (Steve Criscione, Jeff Schedel, Brian Rable and P.J. Strahl)
  • Closest to the pin: Brian Rable (6), James Brantley (8), Teresa Parker (12) and Teresa Parker (15)
  • Longest drive women/men: Tracy Spooner and Barry Simo

CERA would like to thank everyone for making this event such a success by coming out to play golf, sponsoring a tee sign and/or a flag, and gift contributions for door prizes. A big thank you goes out to all our volunteers who were instrumental in making the event a success. We couldn’t do it without you!

Visit CERA’s Golf Tournament Gallery to view photos from the event.

About ERA
The 83-year-old Electronics Representatives Association (ERA) is the international trade organization for professional field sales companies in the global electronics industries, manufacturers who go to market through representative firms and global distributors. It is the mission of ERA to support the professional field sales function through programs and activities that educate, inform and advocate for manufacturers’ representatives, the principals they represent and the distributors who are reps’ partners in local territories. For more information about ERA, visit



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Carolinas ERA Hosts 15th Annual Dick Paden Memorial Golf Tournament


Oct. 18, 2018
Contact: Neda Simeonova / Communications Director /

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Carolinas ERA Hosts 15th Annual Dick Paden Memorial Golf Tournament

From left to right: Julie Huang, Sanyo Denki; Jim Reiser, Sager; John Corn, Sager; Laura Miceli, Sager.

The Carolinas Chapter of ERA (CERA) recently concluded another successful scholarship fundraiser. The chapter’s 15th Annual Dick Paden Memorial Golf Tournament was held on Oct. 8, 2018, at the Crossings Golf Club in Durham, N.C. The event was attended by 104 golfers, including reps, distributors, manufacturers and customers.

This event helps fund three $1,000 college scholarships to dependents of CERA member reps & DTAM participating distributors, as well as a generous donation to the American Diabetes Association.

This year’s winners include:

  • First place gross (Jim Davis, Kevin Bouziden, Larry Travers and Mark Craige)
  • Second place gross (Rick Vairo, Dennis Toothman, Rob Mahoney and Aparna Sproelich)
  • First place net (Bob Kirkland, Billy Case, Bob Ball and Cy Dallin)
  • Second place net (Steve Criscione, Jeff Schedel, Brian Rable and P.J. Strahl)
  • Closest to the pin: Brian Rable (6), James Brantley (8), Teresa Parker (12) and Teresa Parker (15)
  • Longest drive women/men: Tracy Spooner and Barry Simo

CERA would like to thank everyone for making this event such a success by coming out to play golf, sponsoring a tee sign and/or a flag, and gift contributions for door prizes. A big thank you goes out to all our volunteers who were instrumental in making the event a success. We couldn’t do it without you!

Visit CERA’s Golf Tournament Gallery to view photos from the event.

About ERA
The 83-year-old Electronics Representatives Association (ERA) is the international trade organization for professional field sales companies in the global electronics industries, manufacturers who go to market through representative firms and global distributors. It is the mission of ERA to support the professional field sales function through programs and activities that educate, inform and advocate for manufacturers’ representatives, the principals they represent and the distributors who are reps’ partners in local territories. For more information about ERA, visit


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