> ERA 2018 Conference Committee Announces Keynote Speaker
October 13, 2017 – Source: Electronics Representatives Association
Contact: Tess Hill, ERA Conference Coordinator, at 630-327-6498 / thill@era.org
ERA 2018 Conference Committee Announces Keynote Speaker
The Electronics Representatives Association (ERA) 2018 Conference Committee has announced that former engineer, self-described “technology geek” and humorist Wayne Cotter will be the keynote speaker at the upcoming conference, scheduled Feb. 25-27 at the AT&T Center in Austin, Texas. Cotter will open ERA’s 49th Management and Marketing Conference program on Monday morning, Feb. 26, with a presentation tied to the event theme, “Tools of Our Trade — Constructing a Successful Future.”
After studying electrical engineering at the University of Pennsylvania and beginning his career asa design engineer with a New Jersey computer company, Cotter began moonlighting as a Philadelphia comedian. He continued this double life for some time, until he ultimately concluded that the computer industry “was going nowhere” and left town to pursue show business full time. Almost immediately, he became a frequent guest of Jay Leno and David Letterman and a fixture on the national comedy circuit. Cotter became a familiar face on television and, eventually, the host of his own shows for both the Discovery Channel and The Fox Network.
Ken Bellero, president of Schaffner EMC, and chair of the Conference Keynote Sub-Committee says, “The committee did an excellent job finding the right fit for this year’s theme. Wayne’s background as an electrical engineer and his long experience as a humorist and keynote speaker for many high-profile businesses make him the right choice. I am confident he will bring the ‘tools’ we need to kick off a very well-planned and successful event.”
New this year, the conference keynoter will conduct and videotape “man on the street” interviews with conference attendees at the Sunday Welcome Reception and incorporate those interviews into his program. Rick LaPiana, president of the Cain-Forlaw Company and chair of the 2018 Conference Committee, notes, “Wayne is uniquely qualified to provide both insights and entertainment based on his background and lifelong interest in emerging technologies. He is the ‘man on the street’ you want to run into!”
To view Cotter’s personal video invitation to the ERA Conference, click here. Further details about the conference, including sponsorship opportunities and the online registration form, are available at era.org.
About ERA
The 82-year-old Electronics Representatives Association (ERA) is the international trade organization for professional field sales companies in the global electronics industries, manufacturers who go to market through representative firms and global distributors. It is the mission of ERA to support the professional field sales function through programs and activities that educate, inform and advocate for manufacturers’ representatives, the principals they represent and the distributors who are reps’ partners in local territories. ERA member representative firms (often called “reps”) provide field sales services on an exclusive basis to manufacturers of related (but non-competing) products in a defined territory. For more information about ERA, visit era.org.

ERA Conference Keynoter Wayne Cotter

Young Wayne Cotter with his first Heath Kit