EDS Leadership Summit - 2025

EDS Returns to Resorts World, Las Vegas — May 19232025

We all know that you must come to EDS pre­pared. And through four days of focused face-to-face meet­ings, you leave on the same page as your chan­nel part­ners. You leave assured that the ideas shared will lead to impact­ful solu­tions. When you come to EDS pre­pared, you Leave Aligned.

We are excit­ed about mak­ing the expe­ri­ence at Resorts World even bet­ter, and look for­ward to wel­com­ing you again. Be sure to whitelist info@​edssummit.​com to ensure you receive all EDS communications.

Update as of Nov. 11, 2024:

EDS 2025 Space Registration is Now Open

Registration for returning companies who wish to rent weekly meeting space at EDS 2025 (Executive Meeting Rooms, Hotel Meeting Suites, Lily Ballroom space) is now open. An email went out on Monday, November 4 with the link to begin the registration process. If you are the Company Contact for your company and have NOT received the email, please first check your Junk or Spam folders and if you still do not see it, please contact info@edssummit.com. If your company wants to rent space at EDS 2025 for the first time or after a gap of a few years, check out the space options on the EDS website and contact info@edssummit.com to determine which space is best for you. 


What is EDS?

EDSis a lead­er­ship summit. It is an impor­tant gath­er­ing of the movers, shak­ers and bright­est minds that elec­tron­ic com­po­nent man­u­fac­tur­ers, dis­trib­u­tors and rep­re­sen­ta­tives have to offer.

In an ener­gized, pro­gres­sive atmos­phere, top deci­sion mak­ers come togeth­er to build busi­ness. It’s a forum to plan, dis­cuss new oppor­tu­ni­ties, and reset goals.

The core of EDS is valu­able idea exchange. It hap­pens through high-lev­el strate­gic meet­ings, event func­tions and infor­mal gath­er­ings. Busi­ness rela­tion­ships are rekin­dled and new ones formed.