Conference Suppliers & Supplier Workshops
Listed alphabetically by company name, these ERA Recognized Resource Suppliers are exhibiting and providing workshops at the 2018 ERA conference.
Budde Marketing Systems
Tuesday – 7 to 7:50 a.m. – Salon A
POS Tools of the Trade: How Reps Are Using POS Data Tools to Drive Sales and Track Commissions
Presenters: Mike Budde, Sr., Mike Budde, Jr., and Jeff Bade
This open-forum discussion will focus on best practices for reps and manufacturers on how to utilize the powerful information contained within POS and Inventory reports.
Empowering Systems
Tuesday – 7 to 7:50 a.m. – Salon B
Fire Up Your Productivity with a Flexible CRM!
Co-presenters: Richard Greaves and Scott Mayo
Sell from your in-box. Sell from your phone. Sell off-line. Sell the way you want with an easy-to-customize, smart CRM system. Join Empowering Systems at its supplier workshop to learn how the company’s newest capabilities will give your salespeople more time to sell. Principal-specific layouts, quick voice-to-text updates and opportunity management right from your MS Outlook 365 in-box make quick work of getting the information you need. Please join the Empowering team for this informative workshop.
Growth Dynamics Consulting
Monday – 7 to 7:50 a.m. – Room 202
Moneyball Analytics for Leading Sales Teams
Speakers: Chris Scholl and Charlie Hauck
Billy Bean of the Oakland Athletics and Moneyball fame ushered in new analytics that have changed the way all pro sports teams are built and led. You too are building and leading a pro team – your salesforce. Now, thousands of companies are using moneyball-like sales analytics to lead more effective sales teams. They are leveraging science-based data to select the best candidates, discover their team’s deficiencies and ways to overcome them. At this workshop, you will learn about these cutting-edge analytics, how best to apply them, and walk away with ideas and examples that can make your team more competitive and successful.
ITEM Media
Tuesday – 7 to 7:50 a.m. – Room 202
No Assembly Required: ITEM Media’s $500 Marketing Service for Rep Companies
Presenter: Graham Kilshaw
In ITEM Media’s breakout session, “Your Company’s Marketing Toolbox: How You Can Build a Successful Marketing Plan for only $500 a Month,” Graham Kilshaw, CEO of ITEM Media, will introduce you to the marketing platforms and practices for building and deploying your own sales-focused marketing plan. But in this supplier workshop, Graham will tell you how ITEM Media can build and operate the plan for you— at the same cost as doing it yourself, while minimizing your time investment and allowing you to focus 100 percent on closing deals.
Manufacturers’ Representatives Educational Research Foundation – MRERF
Monday – 7 to 7:50 a.m. – Salon A
MRERF – A Partnership to Explore
Presenter: Kate Rhoten
The Manufacturers’ Representatives Educational Research Foundation (MRERF) partners with many associations in advancing the representative business model. The foundation works to help representatives and the manufacturers they represent become more knowledgeable through workshops, certifications and collaboration. Come learn more about MRERF and how it can help you and your company, both now and in the future. Visit
ORGO Sales Engine
Monday – 7 to 7:50 a.m. – Salon B
The Swiss Army Knife® of Rep Software
Speaker: Karen Jefferson
Come learn about Orgo … multiple tools for your singularly focused sales team. From opportunity tracking to sales call planning… specification credit to commission reconciliation, it’s all in Orgo. Reports and business analytics are there, too. Accessible from any browser, Orgo is your centralized, accessible information hub for manufacturers or reps. Sharing information is seamless and you control the flow. Maximize sales time by minimizing data entry time. Let’s get Orgo-nized.
Tuesday – 7 to 7:50 a.m. – Room 301
Next Generation Email, CRM and Commissions
Presenter: John Mitchell
Need to spend more time in front of customers, instead of filling out reports and awkward CRM systems, or chasing overseas sales? Come see Repfabric, the innovative efficiency tool that speeds up the entire workflow of your business, including email, opportunity tracking, commission reconciliation, and principal reporting. With CRMSync, remove the burden of updating multiple principal CRMs. Do all of this from your phone. Providing simple and effective tools, Repfabric eliminates administrative busy work and gives you more time to sell.