ERA 2018 Post-Conference Updates

ERA Post-Conference Updates

Listed below are notifications, messages and email content regarding the ERA 2018 Conference.


The ERA post-conference pages are live!

All post conference content is now available to ERA members, including program descriptions, PowerPoint/PDF downloads, audio files and presenter biographies. Please reference the email that was sent to you with member password to access these pages.  If you have misplaced the email/password, contact Karin at

ERA Post Conference Pages

Program Presentation Files – email sent 3/1/2018

To All ERA 2018 Conference Attendees:

Thank you again for attending ERA’s 49th Management and Marketing Conference and making it a whopping success!

As is our usual practice after a conference, presentation files are being made available to attendees in several ways.

* Most general session and breakout seminar presentation files are now available on the Crowd Compass (Attendee Hub) app. Just go to the app Schedule, search for individual sessions, and click on the Documents link.

* For downloads that are too large for the app, go to the conference downloads page.

* In addition, our closing general session speaker, Michael Knight of TTI, Inc., has provided a Dropbox link to access his PowerPoint file. This link is also available on the conference downloads page.

* Also, Michael has let us know that the results of the survey he conducted during his session will be available in about a week on the TTI Market Eye website. Click here.

* As soon as possible, the post-conference pages will be available on ERA’s website and will include links to all available presentation files as well as the AUDIO files of the four general sessions and the two breakout seminars held in the main ballroom plus much more. Please watch for that announcement coming next week.

* In the meantime, please visit and bookmark the post conference updates page (NEW this year) where you will soon find links to all conference-related communications, photos, videos, program files and more.

If you have questions about program downloads or any other post-conference matters, do not hesitate to email Tess Hill at or Erin Collins at

Warmest regards,

ERA 2018 Conference Committee:
Rick LaPiana, Cain-Forlaw Company, Committee Chair
John Hutson, CPMR, MacInnis Group, Committee Vice Chair
John Beaver, GSA Parallax
Ken Bellero, Schaffner EMC
David Foster, Sensata Technologies
Barbara Jorgensen, Electronic Purchasing Strategies (EPS)
Dawn Lowery, CSP, Sumer, Inc.
Todd McAtee, Mouser Electronics, Inc.
Holly Myers, CPMR, Wallace Electronic Sales, Inc.
John O’Brien, CPMR, Coakley, Boyd and Abbett, Inc.
Bryan White, CPMR, Catalyst Sales, Inc.
Cindy Williams, Vicor Corporation

ERA Staff:
Walter Tobin, CEO
Tess Hill, Conference Coordinator
Karin Derkacz, Registration Coordinator
Erin Collins, Events Coordinator
Neda Simeonova, CrowdCompass Coordinator
Stephanie Tierney, Membership Outreach Coordinator
Kathy Green, Website Administrator