2021 ERA Virtual Post-Conference Attendee Guide
Thank you for attending the 2021 ERA Virtual Conference. On behalf of the planning committee volunteers, we are thrilled that you could join us, and hope you found the event educational and engaging.
All session recordings (keynote session, three general sessions and 13 breakout sessions) are now available for on-demand viewing on the virtual conference platform (Note: this is not the same as www.era.org).
Visit the virtual conference website at https://eraconference.era.org/. Make sure that you are logged in to access the recordings. If you need to re-log in, click on the ACCOUNT tab in the main navigation bar at the top of the page.
Note regarding sponsor and exhibitor booths: You can still visit all sponsor and exhibitors booths to view video presentations and download files, however, all person-to-person networking is now disabled. If you wish to contact any sponsor or exhibitor, please use the contact information provided in their booth.
Questions? Contact conference@era.org.
Following are some quick instructions on how you can access and play the recordings:
Viewing Conference Sessions
All session recordings (keynote session, three general sessions and 13 breakout sessions) are now available for on-demand viewing on the virtual conference platform.
How to view session recordings:
Path: Main navigation bar > Schedule > Agenda
• On the site’s home page, from the main navigation bar at the top, locate SCHEDULE, then click on AGENDA
• Once you are on the AGENDA page, scroll down to the session(s) you want to watch
• Click on the session’s “card”, which will take you to the session’s page
• On the session page, you will see the video recording embedded on the screen
• Click the “play” button (the small triangle-shaped icon) located in the lower left-hand side of the embedded video screen to have the video play (see screenshot below for reference)
Note: These recordings are available for viewing by registered attendees. They will not be available for download and can’t be shared via direct links with non-attendees.
The recordings will be archived on https://eraconference.era.org/ for one-year (through March 2022).
For any registered attendee that has not yet logged in to the ERA Virtual Conference site:
How to Log In:
Registered attendees will receive an email invite to join the 2021 ERA Virtual Conference. The email sender is
conference@era.org. This email includes an authorization link to claim your account that when clicked will log you into the conference platform. Note that the email invitation will be sent to the email address that was submitted with your online attendee registration. Monitor your spam folder.
Initial log in as an attendee will require that you:
• Claim your account
• Accept the terms of service
• Establish a password (needs to be at least 6 digits long)
• Complete your profile page where you can add your headshot and other relevant info about yourself.
Note: Once you have claimed your account, you are unable to share your log in with another person. Your log in is tied to the device you select to use to attend the conference. You will be unable to log in using multiple devices.
How to Create Your Profile:
Set up your profile to help identify yourself to other conference participants. You can create your profile when you login (recommended), or from the main navigation bar, select Account > Edit My Profile. Upload a photo so you can be easily identified in sessions. Add as much or as little information you wish in profile details. But the more you share, the more connections you can make!
Headshot tips: A .jpg or .png image file works best. A square image of a minimum 300X300 px size is recommended. When uploading your picture, select “circle” (NOT crop) and position your picture accordingly. Select the “save” button and select “upload.” The picture will not save without the “upload” step.
How to Navigate the Conference Site
As an attendee, you will have the opportunity to attend sessions, interact with attendees and speak with sponsors. To get around the platform, use the main navigation bar located along the top of the page.
Using the Conference Agenda
How to view the full conference agenda:
Path: Main navigation bar > Schedule > Agenda
• Search for sessions by speaker name, description, or keywords.
• Session details: Click on a session to view the description, how to participate, who will be attending, and to download the handouts and materials under the “Files” tab.
• Calendar view: Click on the Calendar View button to change to a full calendar view of all days.
• Print: Click to print the full schedule.
Other Conference Features
Visit with Exhibitors or ERA Recognized Resource Partners
Path: Organizations > Exhibitors, or Organizations > Recognized Resources
At any time, you are able to click on any of the exhibitors and browse through the information about our sponsors. Since the conference is no longer a live event, all person-to-person networking is now disabled, but you can view video presentations and download documents provided by sponsors and exhibitors.
If you wish to contact any sponsor or exhibitor, please use the contact information provided in their booth.
Path: Main navigation bar > FAQ
• This page is a very thorough reference point for information that will address additional questions you might have.
Questions? Contact conference@era.org.