ERA Conference Virtual Booth

Virtual Conference Exhibit Booth

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Several sponsor levels include the opportunity to host a virtual exhibit booth. These booths offer rich opportunities to build relationships with conference participants with several touchpoints for attendees to connect with exhibitors and vice versa. You will have the opportunity to showcase your products and services, build relationships, and network with peers from across the country.

A searchable keyword index helps attendees find the exhibitors and sponsors who are relevant to them. Attendees will be incentivized to visit exhibit booths via a virtual scavenger hunt!

Benefits of Exhibiting Virtually

• Increased exposure: Instead of being limited to a physical exhibit hall space, you will have visibility with attendees and opportunities to connect online during and after the conference.
• Ease of connecting online: Attendees will have the flexibility to visit with exhibitors and sponsors on their schedule, including during dedicated exhibitor hours.
• Detailed analytics: Exhibiting companies will have access to robust lead information for follow-up with all attendees that visit your booth.
• Reduced costs: Exhibiting virtually is a cost-effective investment, allowing you to maximize your ROI without the addition of travel and hotel costs.

What Does a Virtual Exhibit Booth Include?

• A custom, dedicated webpage for your company featuring company logo, description, and listing of products and services.
• The ability to share collateral materials with attendees, such as downloadable documents, embedded videos, resources, and weblinks.
• Listing of staff members who are attending the conference and are available to chat with attendees.
• A “request info” button where attendees can directly request info via chat and share contact info.
• An interactive public chat box function to engage with attendees.
• The ability to search for attendees and send messages directly through the virtual conference platform.
• Ability to pre-schedule virtual one-on-one meetings with attendees via chat, audio and/or video throughout the conference days.
• Exhibit hours feature with live 2-way video meetings: attendees can visit with booth staff live during exhibit hours by entering a breakout room to have live one-on-one discussions via a Zoom room meeting.
• Zoom room option that can be used for live demos, group discussions, etc.
• Access to booth visitor data analytics, download leads, track the number of attendee visits, and who’s visited.

Watch this brief video to learn more! Exhibitor Experience Overview