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> ERA Forms the ERA Manufacturer Executive Council

ERA is pleased to announce the formation of a Manufacturer Executive Council under the leadership of Ken Bellero, president of Schaffner EMC, Inc., and senior vice president of manufacturers on the ERA Executive Committee. The members of the Council are:

  • David Bennington, vice president of sales, Orion Fans
  • Robert Derringer, director, global channel, Crouzet North America, Inc.
  • Holly Good, director, global distribution sales, Cornell Dubilier Electronics, Inc.
  • Bob Gourdeau, vice president of sales, Americas region, Kyocera-AVX Components Co.
  • Caroline Wells, senior distribution sales manager, Omron Electronic Components, LLC

The goal of the Council is to have ERA manufacturer member leaders collaborate and discuss shared values and objectives and put forth action items to the rest of the industry — all with the objective of creating better relationships between manufacturers, manufacturers’ reps and channel partners to better serve the end-customer.

The Council’s inaugural meeting took place in March 2023 in Austin, Texas, where members discussed challenges facing electronics components manufacturers in daily interactions between manufacturers’ representatives and channel partners.

“There was a healthy exchange of best practices as well as a discussion of measures taken that perhaps have not worked to expectation,” said Bellero. “It was agreed to capture these items, report back to the Council and schedule the next follow-up meeting. It was certainly an active and wonderful dialogue and represented the true spirit of helping all manufacturers in the industry.”

“ERA is proud to have Ken’s leadership in spearheading this Council, and is grateful for the time dedicated to this effort by all of these manufacturing leaders,” said Walter Tobin, CEO of ERA. “We look forward to the next update and will be sharing the output of the Council with ERA members on a regular basis.”

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ERA Forms the ERA Manufacturer Executive Council

April 21, 2023
Contact: Clare Kluck / Communications Director /

ERA Forms the ERA Manufacturer Executive Council

ERA is pleased to announce the formation of a Manufacturer Executive Council under the leadership of Ken Bellero, president of Schaffner EMC, Inc., and senior vice president of manufacturers on the ERA Executive Committee. The members of the Council are:

  • David Bennington, vice president of sales, Orion Fans
  • Robert Derringer, director, global channel, Crouzet North America, Inc.
  • Holly Good, director, global distribution sales, Cornell Dubilier Electronics, Inc.
  • Bob Gourdeau, vice president of sales, Americas region, Kyocera-AVX Components Co.
  • Caroline Wells, senior distribution sales manager, Omron Electronic Components, LLC

The goal of the Council is to have ERA manufacturer member leaders collaborate and discuss shared values and objectives and put forth action items to the rest of the industry — all with the objective of creating better relationships between manufacturers, manufacturers’ reps and channel partners to better serve the end-customer.

The Council’s inaugural meeting took place in March 2023 in Austin, Texas, where members discussed challenges facing electronics components manufacturers in daily interactions between manufacturers’ representatives and channel partners.

“There was a healthy exchange of best practices as well as a discussion of measures taken that perhaps have not worked to expectation,” said Bellero. “It was agreed to capture these items, report back to the Council and schedule the next follow-up meeting. It was certainly an active and wonderful dialogue and represented the true spirit of helping all manufacturers in the industry.”

“ERA is proud to have Ken’s leadership in spearheading this Council, and is grateful for the time dedicated to this effort by all of these manufacturing leaders,” said Walter Tobin, CEO of ERA. “We look forward to the next update and will be sharing the output of the Council with ERA members on a regular basis.”

About ERA

The 88-year-old Electronics Representatives Association (ERA) is the international trade organization for professional field sales companies in the global electronics industries, manufacturers who go to market through representative firms and global distributors. It is the mission of ERA to support the professional field sales function through programs and activities that educate, inform and advocate for manufacturers’ representatives, the principals they represent and the distributors who are reps’ partners in local territories. For more information about ERA, visit


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