March 8, 2017
Contact: Stephanie Tierney – or Bob Evans –
ERA Announces Chapters of the Year
On Feb. 28 at the 48th Management and Marketing Conference in Austin, Texas, ERA announced the chapters that have been selected as Chapters of the Year award recipients for their 2016 activities. The awards are based on four categories: Education, Membership/Member Services, Marketing Services and Special Projects.
The award recipients are as follows:
- Education – Indiana-Kentucky for its program on cyber security.
- Membership and Member Services – Carolinas for its re-establishment of the Dixie chapter.
- Marketing Services – Empire State for its annual Rep-Distributor Forum and DTAM reporting project.
- Special Projects – New York for its first annual industry golf outing.
Eight chapters submitted a total of 14 entries. The judging panel consisted of ERA CEO Walter Tobin and three delegates to the ERA Board of Directors: Ben Barden of Northern California; Mike Kunz, CPMR, of Spirit of St. Louis; and George Alecci of Pacific Northwest.
Each Chapter of the Year receives a full-tuition scholarship to the Chapter Officers Leadership Training (COLT) program that can be used this year or in 2018.
About ERA
The 82-year-old Electronics Representatives Association (ERA) is the international trade organization for professional field sales companies in the global electronics industries and manufacturers who go to market through representative firms. It is the mission of ERA to support the professional field sales function through programs and activities that educate, inform and advocate for manufacturers’ representatives and the principals they represent. ERA member representative firms (often called “reps”) provide field sales services on an exclusive basis to manufacturers of related (but non-competing) products in a defined territory. For more information about ERA, visit