ERA Conference Committee Announces 2019 Theme

ERA PRESS RELEASE: July 16, 2018
Contact: Neda Simeonova / Communications Director /

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ERA Conference Committee Announces 2019 Theme

The Electronics Representatives Association (ERA) Conference Committee has announced the theme — “Celebrate the Past, Embrace Tomorrow” — of the association’s 50th Anniversary Conference, scheduled Feb. 24-26, 2019, at the AT&T Center in Austin, Texas.

Conference Committee Chair John Hutson, CPMR, of MacInnis Group, said, “I am thrilled to share that the Conference Committee for the upcoming 2019 ERA Conference is in place, as are the associated sub-committees, and things are moving forward full steam ahead. This team is absolutely a ‘Gold Standard,’ and how appropriate since this is ERA’s 50th Golden Jubilee Conference.”

Hutson’s committee began its program development discussions in May, and members are well into the planning process. The first objective for the Conference Committee was to develop a theme, for ERA’s 50th Anniversary Conference.

“It did not take long for us to realize the need to recognize our association’s past leaders, while also highlighting the importance to continually improving for the future. We all agreed that the resulting theme is simple, but strong in its message: ‘Celebrate the Past, Embrace Tomorrow.’ I am excited for the creative content that is going to develop around this theme,” Hutson said.

ERA CEO Walter E. Tobin added: “I cannot think of a more appropriate theme for our 50th Anniversary Conference! ERA is an 83-year YOUNG organization, and we have so many folks who helped build ERA into the vibrant organization that it is today. Thus, we want to take time at our 50th Anniversary Conference to CELEBRATE THE PAST by recognizing those folks who got us to where we are at today! However, we remain focused on ‘Skating where the puck is going,’ so to speak to EMBRACE TOMORROW, and to position ERA ahead of the puck and enable our members with real tangible tools and ideas to help them address the many issues that they are facing today. Come to Austin in February 2019 and help us CELEBRATE and EMBRACE; you will come away amazed and armed!”

For further information on ERA’s 2018 conference, visit ERA at

About ERA
The 83-year-old Electronics Representatives Association (ERA) is the international trade organization for professional field sales companies in the global electronics industries, manufacturers who go to market through representative firms and global distributors. It is the mission of ERA to support the professional field sales function through programs and activities that educate, inform and advocate for manufacturers’ representatives, the principals they represent and the distributors who are reps’ partners in local territories. For more information about ERA, visit