January 3, 2017
Contact: Neda Simeonova / Communications Director / nsimeonova@era.org
ERA Conference Committee Announces Breakout Seminar Agenda
ERA Conference Committee has announced the full schedule of 13 breakout seminars to be offered at the upcoming event. The 48th Management and Marketing Conference returns to the At&T Conference Center in Austin Texas, on Feb 26-28.
Conference Committee Chair Holly Myers, CPMR, of Wallace Electronic Sales, and Breakouts Sub-Committee Chair John Hutson, CPMR, of the MacInnis Group, emphasize that all seminars will be offered twice to allow attendees maximum flexibility in customizing their individual conference agendas. They also note that all sessions will be open to all rep, manufacturer and distributor attendees with the exception of one rep-only program on strategic planning.
The breakout topics and presenters now confirmed are:
- Best Practices in Rep-Distributor Relationships: How to Become More Valuable to Each Other (Robert Logan, CPMR, Kruvand Associates, and Tom Vanderheyden, TTI, Inc.);
- Creating and Enhancing Your Digital Image (Steve Cholas, AspenCore, and Tom Griffin, CPMR, Catalyst Sales);
- HR Workshop: Current and Coming Issues for Companies of All Sizes (Allison Pratt, Pratt & Associates);
- Legal Update: ERA’s New Contract Guidelines and New Rules for Overtime Pay (ERA Legal Counsels Gerald Newman and Adam Glazer, Schoenberg Finkel, Newman & Rosenberg, LLC);
- LinkedIn Workshop: Maximizing the Sales Tool (Wayne Breitbarth, Power Formula);
- Marketing and Sales Tools: Who Is Responsible and How to Implement Them (Scott Lindberg, Quell, and Zach DeVillers,CPMR, Brainard Nielsen Marketing);
- Mentoring Your Personnel with a Sharp Eye on Succession Planning (Carla Mahrt, JJM Search);
- Minimizing Conflicts in Rep-Distributor Partnerships and How Manufacturers Can Help Prevent Them (Bruce Kellar, Sager Electronics; Dave Foster, Sensata Technologies; and a rep participant TBA);
- Moving a Missionary Line Off Ground Zero (Bill Romick, ACES/DNA Group; Dave Fitzgerald, WESCO Sales Group; and Bob Finnecy, Hughes-Peters);
- Rep Councils: Why Every Manufacturer and Distributor Should Have One (Mike Swenson, CPMR, Mel Foster Company; Ken Bellero, Schaffner EMC; and Chris Beeson, Digi-Key Electronics);
- Strategic Planning for Reps: Taking Time to Work ON Your Business (for reps only) (ERA Consultant Bryan Shirley, CPMR);
- Technology Swap Shop Update 2017: Who’s Using What and How? (John Hutson,CPMR, MacInnis Company, and Holly Myers, CPMR, Wallace Electronic Sales); and
- Using Performance Metrics to Evaluate Reps and Principals (ERA Consultant Cesare Giammarco; Mark Robinson, Finisar; and a rep participant TBA).
For details on the conference, including the six general sessions and registration information, go to era.org. Questions about the conference can be addressed to Tess Hill, the conference coordinator, at thill@era.org.