May 8, 2022
Contact: Clare Kluck / Communications Director /
ERA Debuts New HoverMap
ERA is pleased and proud to announce the new ERA HoverMap. ( This new product replaces the old Rep Locator tool on that had been used to find manufacturers’ representatives in each ERA Chapter.
The ERA HoverMap outlines marketing territories consistent with local ERA chapters in order to provide reference territory descriptions as well as facilitate defined boundaries for DTAM calculation purposes.
“ERA is keeping with its mission of enhancing the manufacturers’ rep function with the development of the ERA HoverMap,” said Kingsland Coombs, senior vice president-at-large of the ERA Executive Committee. “By providing a ‘one-stop shop’ for this vital information, our member manufacturers and member sales representatives can now use this tool to access crucial market intelligence that will allow them to assess their own performance and market share.”
“I’m excited to have developed this online tool in order to help industry members gain access to this crucial data and help reps gain exposure more efficiently and effectively,” said Alan Ahern, president, Crowley Associates. “I’m confident that the ROI that ERA members will see from this new tool will be significant.”
Some new features of the ERA HoverMap include:
Generally accepted definitions of the sales territories and the corresponding ERA Chapters that operate in these territories. It is important to note that ERA Chapter names and the territories within which they operate have not changed.
- When you click on a sales territory, users will see a drop-down box containing:
– USPS zip codes – These are zip codes that are generally accepted as zip codes for that sales territory. ERA performed extensive research in each sales territory to procure these zip codes; however, ERA is making no definitive statements regarding these zip codes and is simply offering guidelines. Final decisions about territories will be left up to each rep and their own contracts with their manufacturers.
– DTAM information – Budde Marketing DTAM data is based on live and demonstrated sales of product by over 1,200 distributors (local to national) reporting for nearly 130 varied manufacturers, representing the passive electromechanical industry. This data should not be interpreted or used to measure any person or company representing a specific territory, but rather to provide a broad perspective on industry territorial
– ERA Chapter Name Hyperlink – Clicking on the ERA Chapter name will take the user to the alphabetical listing of the rep members in that chapter. Clicking on the rep company’s name will take the user to the company’s website.
The ERA HoverMap will be available to all ERA members and will require member log-in credentials.
Disclaimer: ERA would like to note that the marketing territories shown on the Hover Map are general and approximate; they are guidelines only and should not be considered absolute. In all instances, contractual territory boundary definitions between manufacturers and representatives are subject to discussion and negotiation between the parties and may vary from the outlines provided.
About ERA
The 87-year-old Electronics Representatives Association (ERA) is the international trade organization for professional field sales companies in the global electronics industries, manufacturers who go to market through representative firms and global distributors. It is the mission of ERA to support the professional field sales function through programs and activities that educate, inform and advocate for manufacturers’ representatives, the principals they represent and the distributors who are reps’ partners in local territories. For more information about ERA, visit