ERA Merchandise

Welcome to the ERA Merchandise page! ERA works with an outside vendor to provide ERA National-branded merchandise that chapters can purchase in bulk for upcoming events such as golf outings, social events, job fairs, etc.

Log into the ERA Merch site:

Username — eramerch
Password — era

*Please note: All products come with a minimum order to be purchased; please see minimum order number next to each product. All items should be ordered by Chapters at least three weeks before the event. If you have interest in creating a chapter-specific item or other unique item, please contact Michele Dean, ERA’s account manager at Printex, at or 781-632-5969.

— Questions about logging into Printex site? Contact Kate Walsh at Printex @

— Questions about creating a new product, shipping, payment issues, chapter-specific items? Contact Printex’s ERA account manager Michele Dean at or 781-632-5969.