Prospective Representative Evaluation Form
Rep Firm: ______________________________________________ Date: _________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip Code: ____________________________________________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________________
Fax: _________________________________________
E-mail: __________________________________________
URL: _________________________________________
Person Interviewed: _______________________________ Title: ________________________
Person Interviewed: _______________________________ Title: ________________________
Person Interviewed: _______________________________ Title: ________________________
Person Interviewed: _______________________________ Title:________________________
(a) History:
(1) Are you a corporation, a partnership or a sole proprietorship? ____________________________
(2) In what state (and year) was your business established? ________________________________
(3) Who are the owners of your company and at what percentage ownership?
(4) Will you furnish a brief company history or brochure? _________________________________
(5) Does your company have a Web site? May we view it now? ______________________________
(b) Company Growth and Future Plans:
(1) Will you describe your sales performance history?_________________________________________________________________________
(2) Do you have a formal marketing plan?____________________________________________
(3) Do you prepare an annual budget? ______________________________________________
(c) Territory Covered and Market Served:
(1) What territory do you cover? __________________________________________________
(2) Will you supply a territory map? _______________________________________________
(3) Will you accept deviations from your traditional territory? ______________________________
(4) What do you consider to be your primary and secondary markets? _________________________
(d) Office Facilities:
(1) How many offices do you have? Locations? Number of outside/inside sales personnel per office?
(2) Virtual offices: describe your home-office set-up of employees (number of phone lines, fax, modem/connection):
(3) Do you use contact tracking software? Which? ______________________________________
(4) Do you use computer order tracking software? Which? ________________________________
(5) Describe the “information connections” you have with other principals (Web/browser based, dial-in, dedicated line): ________________________________________________________________________
(e) Warehousing:
(1) Do you have a warehouse? ___________________________________________________
(2) What is its size? __________________________________________________________
(3) Do you presently stock items for resale? __________________________________________
(f) Personnel:
(1) How many people are employed by your company? How many full time? How many part time?
(2) How many outside salespeople do you have?_________ How many inside salespeople? ________
(3) How many administrative support people do you have? What are their duties/responsibilities?
(4) How many people are involved in the management of your company? _______________________
(5) Are any of your people Certified Professional Manufacturers’ Representatives (CPMRs)? How many?
(6) How many of your people hold degrees? What types of degrees (business/technical)?
(g) Present Lines Represented:
(1) Please furnish a complete, current line list:
(2) What lines are most synergistic with our products? _________________________________________________________________________
(3) Do any of our products conflict with any of your principals? ______________________________
(4) Will you supply several principal references? ________________________________________
(h) Professional Affiliations:
(1) Are you a member of ERA? ____________________________________________________
(2) Are you a member of any other trade associations? ____________________________________
(3) Are any of your people members of IEEE? __________________________________________
(4) Are you a member of the Chamber of Commerce? _____________________________________
(5) Do you or any of your people have any other professional affiliations? _______________________
(i) Stock Ownership in Companies You Represent:
(1) Do you, or any of your people, participate in stock ownership of any of your current principals?
(a) Quotations:
(1) Do you prepare and present quotations? ___________________________________________
(2) Do you prepare and present proposals? ____________________________________________
(3) Please demonstrate your procedure for quotations (log-in, presenting to customer, tracking, follow up)
(4) Please demonstrate your procedure for samples (log-in, presenting to customer, tracking, follow up)
(b) Sales Forecasts:
(1) Do you prepare sales forecasts — how many and how often? ______________________________
(2) Are these forecasts initiated by you or required by your principals? _________________________
(3) Do you or your principals have a program to follow up on these forecasts? ____________________
(c) Market Surveys:
(1) Do you conduct market surveys for any of your principals? _______________________________
(2) How are you compensated for conducting these surveys? ________________________________
(d) Rep Councils:
(1) Do you participate on any Rep Councils? ___________________________________________
(e) Purchase Order Management:
(1) Do you accept and manage (expedite) orders for your principals? __________________________
(2) Are you compensated for this service? ____________________________________________
(f) Sales Performance:
(1) How do you monitor sales performance of your company and of your outside salespeople? _________
(2) Do you report sales performance to your principal if requested? ___________________________
(3) Do you provide regular sales activity reports to your principals? ___________________________
(a) Direct Mail:
(1) Do you have a direct mail program? ______________________________________________
(2) Is your mail list computerized? _________________________________________________
(3) How many people are on your mail list and how was it compiled?__________________________
(4) Do you use “bounce back” cards in your mailings? ____________________________________
(5) Do you have your own company mailer? ___________________________________________
(6) How often do you do mailings?_________________________________________________
(7) How much do your principals contribute to the cost of your mail program? ___________________
(8) Do you do any direct e-mail programs (e-mail promotion of products)? ______________________
(b) Trade Shows:
(1) Do you participate in local trade shows — which ones? _________________________________
(2) Do you participate in national trade shows — which ones? _______________________________
(3) What support do you expect from your principals for these activities? Do you co-op cost estimates for each _____________________________________________________________________
(c) Sales Literature:
(1) Do you have a professionally printed line list? _______________________________________
(2) Do you prepare sales promotional literature for any of your principals? ______________________
(3) Do you produce a newsletter? If so, how often? ______________________________________
(4) Do you have computer graphics capability? _________________________________________
(5) Do you have your own catalog? _________________________________________________
(6) Do you have any other sales promotional activity? ____________________________________
(a) Policy Regarding Territory Visits by Factory Personnel
(1) Do you work from a prepared itinerary? May we see an example? __________________________
(2) Who is responsible for trip reports? ______________________________________________
(3) Do you have a policy regarding customer entertainment expenses? _________________________
(4) How often and under what circumstances are such visits warranted? ________________________
(a) How do you compensate your salespeople? ___________________________________________
(b) Do you have any incentive programs? _______________________________________________
(c) Do you have a profit sharing program? _______________________________________________
(d) Do you have a qualified retirement program? __________________________________________
(e) What type of insurance plan do you have for your employees? ____________________________
(f) Do you pay your employees’ expenses? ______________________________________________
(g) Do you have employment contracts? ________________________________________________
(h) What other benefits is your company providing? _______________________________________
(a) Product Training:
(1) Will you send your salespeople to factory seminars? ___________________________________
(2) Will you send your salespeople to regional seminars? __________________________________
(3) What expenses will you expect the principal to pay? ___________________________________
(4) Will you plan and facilitate product training at your facilities? ____________________________
(b) Sales Training:
(1) Do you provide a regular sales training program for your salespeople? ______________________
(2) Do your people attend sales training programs and/or seminars? _________________________
(3) How often do they attend? ___________________________________________________
(4) Do you subscribe to any sales consultant or improvement programs? ______________________
(c) Improvement Programs:
(1) Do you encourage your employees to further their education at company expense? ______________
(2) What type of continuing education programs are you promoting for your employees to keep abreast of our changing times? _________________________________________________________________________
(a) What type of customers do you contact? _____________________________________________
(b) How do you rank your customers? Who are your key accounts? _____________________________
(c) Are your salespeople assigned by account, geographical area or by type of line? _____________
(d) Will you provide us with customer references? ________________________________________
(a) Do you have service or calibration facilities?___________________________________________
(b) Do you conduct product demonstrations? ____________________________________________
(c) Can your salespeople perform minor repair services? ____________________________________
(d) Do you perform any other value-added services? _______________________________________
(a) Do you conduct an annual meeting with your company? Do you conduct a strategic planning meeting?
(b) If so, what subjects do you cover during the meeting(s)? ___________________________________
(a) Name(s) of bank(s) and account numbers? ___________________________________________
(b) Do you have a line of credit? _____________________________________________________
(c) Do you have a cash reserve? _____________________________________________________
(d) Will you provide several trade references? ____________________________________________
© Electronics Representatives Association, Chicago, IL 60007