Sample E-mail Usage / Internet Policy
Prepared by Gerald M. Newman, ERA Legal Counsel, Schoenberg, Finkel, Newman and Rosenberg, LLC
[COMPANY] allows its employees to communicate with other persons both internally (e.g., co-workers) and externally (e.g., customers), using an electronic mail (“e-mail”) system and via the Internet. All computer terminals and personal data assistant devices (“PDAs”) are the property of [COMPANY]. As such, employees may only use the e-mail system and the Internet for Company business. No employee shall use the e-mail system or Internet access for personal use, except as authorized by the Company, nor shall any employee use the system in a manner which is disruptive, offensive to others or potentially harmful to workplace morale.
Although not intended as a complete list, employees may not use [COMPANY]’s e-mail system or the Internet to: (i) display or transmit any sexually explicit images, messages, or cartoons; (ii) display or transmit any ethnic slurs, racial epithets or anything that may be construed as harassment or disparagement of others based on their race, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, military status, religious or political beliefs, or any other category protected by federal, state or local employment laws; (iii) communicate with Internet users or groups of any kind; (iv) solicit or address others for commercial, religious or political causes, or for anything not related to company business; (v) access another employee’s personal e-mail account without that other employee’s express prior consent; or (vi) access confidential Company records (including, but not limited to, payroll information and personnel files).
[COMPANY] expressly reserves the right to access and monitor any employee’s e-mail account or Internet usage if there is a business reason to do so. [COMPANY] may monitor any employee’s messages to ensure that they are appropriate. Monitoring may occur at any time, for any business reason and without notice or prior consent of the employee. All messages to or from any employee are the property of [COMPANY] and may be accessed and disclosed for any reason.
All employees of [COMPANY] will need a password to gain access to the e-mail system. These passwords are the property of [COMPANY]. All employees must disclose their passwords to [ADMINISTRATOR]. Use of a password that is unknown to the Company is strictly prohibited. Any employee failing to disclose a password to the Company or using an unknown password may be subject to discipline, up to and including immediate termination.
Any misuse or abuse of the e-mail system or the Internet will be investigated by the Company and will be treated as confidential. A violation of this Policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including immediate discharge.
All questions concerning this Policy should be directed to [ADMINISTRATOR].