ERA Quick Connections - April 2022, Volume 1

April 2022, Volume 1

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Manufacturing data reports from the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) are released at the beginning of every month and can be accessed at ISM. The latest report says economic activity in the manufacturing sector grew in March with the overall economy achieving an 22nd consecutive month of growth. The computer and electronic products sector, as well as the appliances and component sector, were among the 15 industries reporting growth in March.


> The ongoing rise in Omicron variant cases and subsequent lockdown measures in China continue to slow down major manufacturing and port hubs, adding to supply chain concerns in China, and thus globally. Read more.

> The global PC monitor market ended 2021 with a 5 percent year-over-year growth rate, reported the International Data Corporation. However, there are sure signs of the market cooling in the near future. Read more.

> The “Great Resignation” is a misnomer and should be renamed “The Great Aspiration,” argues a columnist for the Harvard Business Review. Read more.


> Are you a manufacturer who goes to market through distribution? ERA can help you find professional field sales representation anywhere in the world. Reserve your EDS 2022 Lines Available Bulletin listing today and let ERA help you make EDS 2022 your most productive show ever. Advertise in ERA’s 2022 EDS Lines Available Bulletin to showcase your company product line to all ERA member firms and member reps visiting the ERA Business and Hospitality Center (Booth #102) at EDS 2022.

> Join the next ERA Water Cooler discussion Tues., April 26 from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. EDT to talk about Promoting and Expanding the Manufacturer’s Rep Model in Today’s Business Environment.” Guest panelists will be Cesare Giammarco, consultant, Cesare Giammarco Sales Management Consulting LLC; Dave Foster, director of sales at Ohmite Manufacturing; and Tom Wichert, executive vice president sales and marketing at TDK-Lambda Americas. Access log-in details here.

> ERA’s White Pin Internship program for Summer 2022 is a great opportunity for rep companies to attract, hire and retain rising college juniors and seniors and potentially move onto the hiring process after their graduation, with ERA subsidizing and supporting these internships along the way. Read more information or download an intern application or rep company application.


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