Chapter News reports the local activities of the 22 chapters of ERA.
The chapters sponsor educational and training workshops, local trade shows, legislative and industry projects to enhance the professionalism of individual members and to advance the goals and mission of the national association.
COLT registrations are due Aug. 5
All ERA chapter officers and managers: By Aug. 5, please submit the names of your volunteer leaders who will be attending the 2015 Chapter Officers Leadership Training (COLT) program. Just email the names and contact information of your registrants, as well as any questions about COLT, to Tess Hill at
Be sure your COLT participants know that this program format was totally redesigned in 2014 and will be conducted in three one-hour webinars on Sept. 11, Sept. 25 and Oct. 9, followed by the in-person workshop in Chicago on Oct. 22-23. Chapters that hold COLT tuition scholarships are Carolinas, Chicagoland-Wisconsin, Empire State, New York and Southern California.
The chapter is continuing its monthly networking breakfasts through the summer with the next events scheduled on July 24 in Raleigh and Aug. 14 in Charlotte. The most recent Carolinas program focused on the Internet of Things. The guest speaker was Larry Steffann, general manager of the Wireless Research Center of North Carolinas.
Chicagoland-Wisconsin’s most recent breakfast round table featured a review and recap of EDS 2015. Bob Evans, CPMR, of EK Micro, moderated the discussion, including a report of a chapter survey about this year’s EDS. The next event on the calendar is the fourth annual Cubs-Brewers baseball outing on Aug. 13 at a Wrigley Field rooftop. More than 110 attendees have purchased tickets.
Empire State’s upcoming networking events include a lunch on July 10 and breakfast on Aug. 7. The annual Debbie Henry Memorial Golf Tournament is coming up on Aug. 10. Once again, this event will raise funds for the chapter’s annual scholarship awards. The tournament and scholarship program are chaired by Scott Caliel of Leonard D. Allen, Inc.
Indiana-Kentucky ERA members are looking forward to their annual all-industry golf outing on Aug. 14 at the Golf Club of Indiana. More than 50 rep and distributor golfers usually register for this event.
The New England chapter joined the Electronic Components Industry Association (ECIA) to sponsor an all-industry regional event on June 23 in Newton, Mass. The guest speakers were Greg Campbell, senior vice president and chief technology officer of Lumenpulse, and Tom Galligani, global vice president, supply chain, of Future Electronics.
On May 1, New York members participated in the 12th annual IEEE Long Island Systems Applications Technology Symposium. In early June, the chapter hosted another in its ongoing series of dinner programs. A contract manufacturer, distributor and rep participated in a panel discussion about the changing playing field for component sales and how industry partners can best work together to boost profitability.
Ohio ERA’s next event is scheduled on Sept. 11 at the Montgomery Inn in Cincinnati. The program, still to be finalized, will be co-sponsored with the Manufacturers’ Agents of Cincinnati (MAC).
Two special events are on tap for Southern California in late summer. The first is the 12th annual Sagebrush Summer Social for all electronics industry personnel on Aug. 6 in Calabasas. Then, on Aug. 10 at the Aliso Viejo Country Club, the chapter sponsors its third annual Charity Golf Tournament to benefit Operation Homefront.
Spirit of St. Louis hosted another industry happy hour at the Train Wreck Saloon in Westport, Mo., in mid-June, and the chapter’s next program presentation is scheduled in early July when Mark Larson of Digi-Key Electronics is the guest speaker. Also coming up on Oct. 2 is the chapter’s golf tournament in St. Peters, Mo.