Chapter News reports the local activities of the 22 chapters of ERA.
The chapters sponsor educational and training workshops, local trade shows, legislative and industry projects to enhance the professionalism of individual members and to advance the goals and mission of the national association.
The Carolinas Chapter is continuing its monthly networking breakfasts throughout the winter.
The CERA 13th Annual Dick Paden Memorial Golf Tournament was held on Oct. 10, 2016, at Wildwood Green in Raleigh, N.C. Hurricane Matthew caused some setbacks, but the tournament went on.
The chapter held a very successful round table on Sept. 30 titled, “The Evolving Customer, Rep and Distributor Relationship.” The event drew record attendance.
Tom Trzeciak, chapter president, attended COLT (Chapter Officer Leadership Training) the Webinar in October and the in-person workshop on Nov. 1-2. Bob Evans, CPMR, chapter board member, hosted COLT.
Charley Cohon, CEO of MANA (Manufacturers’ Agents National Association), will join members on Jan. 13, 2017, for a round table discussion about reps adapting to changes in the industry.
The chapter is proud to be sponsoring the upcoming ERA 48th Marketing and Management Conference in Austin, Texas. Chicagoland-Wisconsin also grew its membership by four members in 2016.
The Empire State Chapter hosted its annual holiday luncheon on Dec. 9 in Victor, N.Y.
The chapter was fortunate to have Julie Baker of GMA attend COLT.
Empire also grew its rep and distributor membership in 2016. Continued growth and leadership training are goals for the chapter in 2017, along with the addition of new content based on shared best practices from fellow chapters.
Pat Bamberg, Florida Sunshine Chapter board member and recording secretary, has just completed the COLT program.
The chapter also held its latest board of directors meeting on Nov. 11, focusing on the 2017 annual DTAM meeting. The DTAM presentation is planned for April 2017, with a possible combined program to include a presentation from a member of the ERA consulting staff.
The ERA Metro New York Chapter held a holiday event on Dec. 8. A dinner program about social media followed. The presentation was given by Gina Lauria Daschbach, former director of marketing for Crestron Electronics.
The New England Chapter held a holiday party on Dec. 15. The chapter also sent Adam Anderson of Norris & Associates to COLT.
The chapter held its 2016 Electronics Industry Christmas Party and Charity Event on Dec. 7. Proceeds from the event will benefit children at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford and Oakland Children’s Hospital. The party included dinner, entertainment and beautiful holiday décor.
The chapter also sent Alex Cox of Cox Corp. to COLT for training.
Southern California ERA held a 2017 planning meeting on Dec. 1.
The chapter also sent Bobbie Scobie of O’Donnell Associates South, Inc., to COLT.
The Spirit of St. Louis Chapter held a holiday dinner on Dec. 14 at Paul Mineo’s in Westport Plaza. The chapter also held a chapter meeting on Jan. 9 at Spiro’s West restaurant in Chesterfield, Mo.
The chapter held an event on Nov. 15 titled, “Paving the Way into the Future.” The program focused on the mechanics of re-establishing the ERA Texas Chapter, top line growth and best rep practices. ERA CEO Walter Tobin attended the event and served as the program moderator. The panel members were Jim Olson of Erickson Sales, David Frager of Intellimark and Jeff May of Logix Sales.