Spring 2020 – Chapter News
Chapter News reports the local activities of the 22 chapters of ERA. The chapters sponsor educational and training workshops, local trade shows, legislative and industry projects to enhance the professionalism of individual members and to advance the goals and mission of the national association.
Congratulations, ERA Chapters of the Year!
At its annual conference, held Feb. 23-25, 2020, in Austin, Texas, the Electronics Representatives Association (ERA) announced the chapters that have been selected as Chapters of the Year award recipients for their 2019 activities. The awards are based on four categories: Education, Membership & Member Services, Marketing Services, and Special Projects.
The award recipients were:
• Education: Chicagoland-Wisconsin ERA Chapter for their event Sales Person and Rep Firm of the Future.
• Membership and Member Services: Southwest ERA Chapter for hosting lunch training in three major cities: Dallas, Austin and Houston.
• Marketing Services: Empire State ERA Chapter for its annual DTAM analysis.
• Special Projects: Florida-Sunshine Chapter for coordinating its First Annual Sunshine Chapter ERA Golf Tournament, an industry event for charity.
Carolinas ERA canceled its March 16 DTAM event and instead sent chapter members the DTAM report and information on the 2020 scholarship recipients via email and held a virtual meeting on March 23.
The chapter congratulates Greg Thompson, CPMR, of South Atlantic Component Sales who was chosen as the recipient of the 2019 Jess Spoonts White Pin Award.
Chicagoland-Wisconsin ERA is planning its summer baseball event for Aug. 13 at Miller Park for a Brewers game. The chapter hopes to plan more member events and activities after social distancing and travel restrictions have been lifted.
Empire State ERA is getting ready to unveil its new website — www.empireera.org. Once completed, the website will allow members to access information on upcoming chapter events, registrations, member listings and more.
Earlier this year, the chapter unexpectedly lost a dear friend, colleague and board member, Julie Baker. A recent COLT graduate and long-time Secretary/Treasurer, Julie served with humor, grace and professionalism that was felt far beyond her role in Empire ERA. Empire ERA would like to thank the entire ERA community for their heartfelt support and particularly ERA National staff who have supported the chapter to move forward.
To honor Julie’s memory, the chapter is rededicating its annual Golf Charity Event in her name. Please look out for this event and cause as a meaningful way to remember Julie. Golf Chair Rob O’Rourke and VP Membership Laura Senn-Sanborn will be releasing information on charitable donation opportunities on the Empire ERA website.

Chapter members who attended the 2020 ERA Conference (left to right) Randall Conley, Greg Warren, Seth Brock, Kim Brookshire, Tom Cullinan, Ted Pacelli and Bill Cabral. Also in attendance but not pictured were Andy Barnett and Keith Bonnucchi.
Florida-Sunshine ERA recently held Board elections. Congratulations to Pat Bamberg, Chairman, Greg Warren, President, Lisa Dietrich, Vice President Legal and Fiscal, Seth Brock, Vice President Membership & Education, and Shane Recicar, Secretary.
This year, the chapter has announced that it will award a $1,500 scholarship for education to an active member of ERA. This scholarship will be used to send the recipient to the ERA Annual Conference in Austin, Texas, in February 2021.

Northern California Chapter of ERA hosted an Annual Member Lunch event.
On March 4, the Northern California ERA Chapter hosted an Annual Member Lunch which featured an online web conference with guest speaker Walter Tobin, CEO of ERA. Chapter members, including reps and several distributor partners were in attendance.
Tobin spoke of the many features and benefits of joining ERA National and the value the ERA website, era.org, brings to all members. Additionally, Tobin spoke of the new White Pin Internship program.
The chapter has started planning for its Annual Charity Golf Tournament scheduled for November 2020. The chapter will again be raising funds for Operation Homefront.