Representor Fall 2023 - Someone You Should Know

Someone You Should Know: Tom Cullinan

With so many ERA members, it is not easy to get to know every rep, manufacturer and distributor in the business.“Someone You Should Know” is The Representor department that gives readers the chance to learn about fellow ERA members, including how their time is spent both in and out of the office.

Meet Tom Cullinan, distribution sales manager, at Brandel-Stephens Co. The Representor asked Cullinan a few questions about his time as a manufacturer’s representative and his experiences with ERA. Here is what he had to say.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I grew up in Needham, Mass., and I obtained a bachelor’s degree from Boston College. Since 2005, I have called South Florida home and I now reside in Boynton Beach, Fla., with my wife, Mary Glynn and our three children Tucker, Charles and Brie.

What are some things you enjoy outside of the workplace?

In my free time I enjoy watching my three children compete on the athletic fields or golf course. I like to play golf and tennis as much as possible and enjoy watching the New England Patriots!

How long have you been an ERA member and how long in the rep business?

I have been involved with ERA since 2018. My co-worker, and FL-Sunshine ERA president, Greg Warren, has been instrumental in getting me involved at the local level and at the national level. I have been with Brandel-Stephens since the fall of 2006 covering many territories in Florida.

How did you become interested in being a rep in the electronics industry?

I was working in the mortgage business and looking to make a change. Ed Toomey, president of Brandel-Stephens, asked if I would be interested in helping to grow their business in the Southeast. I jumped at the chance to work with him and learn how to sell interconnect products. It was a great decision.

What have you found to be most rewarding about the rep business?

First and foremost, the relationships that I have made with the customers, manufacturers, distributors and my colleagues have been the most rewarding. Secondly, using our great line card to solve customer’s problems with innovative technology and customer support is also rewarding. Since I’m writing this on the anniversary of the September 11th attacks, a good portion of our customers are defense contractors, and it’s always good to know that the brave service men and women have the best equipment to protect our freedoms.

Briefly describe your rep firm.

Brandel-Stephens was established in 1966 as a manufacturers’ representative in the Southeastern U.S., representing electromechanical components and systems within varied markets including defense, aerospace, transportation, industrial, medical and telecom. Knowledge and experience are the cornerstones on which the foundation of our business and relationships are built. Our success is directly attributed to our customers, factories, and product and territorial expertise.

What recent innovations, best practices and/or changes has your firm made?

I think we have all become experts in Teams or Zoom over the past few years, and virtual selling has gotten easier thanks to tips from ERA Talks podcasts and ERA virtual sales training. Our team has put a lot of effort into getting back to a pre-COVID style of sales effort. We make it a point to set up in-person meetings because even with all the great training that we have all received over the past few years, nothing beats a face-to-face call. The personal touch is invaluable.

What have you learned and/or what contacts have you made through ERA that have had the greatest positive impacts on you and/or your business?

The COLT training program that I did last year definitely stands out as one of the most impactful ERA events. I would highly suggest everyone interested in chapter leadership attends COLT training. I found it to be very helpful in planning our local chapter events. Plus, it was unbelievable to spend time with many talented individuals throughout the country. A close second behind the COLT training is the yearly ERA Conference in Austin. I believe it is the electronics industry can’t-miss event of the year! Also, whether at local or national events, it has been such a pleasure to become friendly with the competition.

What is one interesting fact that people may not know about you?

ERA CEO Walter Tobin and I are both proud graduates of Boston College. Go Eagles! Also, my mother and Walter coached youth soccer together in my hometown of Needham, Mass.