Representor Summer 2024 - Someone You Should Know

Someone You Should Know: Shirley Mathew

With so many ERA members, it is not easy to get to know every rep, manufacturer and distributor in the business.“Someone You Should Know” is The Representor department that gives readers the chance to learn about fellow ERA members, including how their time is spent both in and out of the office. Meet Shirley Mathew, supplier business manager at Master Electronics. The Representor asked Mathew a few questions about her time in the distribution business and her experiences with ERA. Here is what she had to say.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I was born and raised in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and I have resided in the DFW area of Texas since 2012 with my beautiful family. I am outgoing and energetic. I am an extrovert by nature and really love meeting new people from diverse backgrounds.

How long have you been in the distribution business?

My first opportunity with a distributor was in 2006.

What have you found to be the most rewarding about the business?

I would have to say all of the meaningful, long-lasting relationships and friendships I have made along the way have been the most rewarding part of the business for me. Additionally, the industry affords anyone entering it a multitude of opportunities whether it be in sales, marketing, operations, finance, quality, data analytics and many other unique areas. You can follow the path that most interests you and aligns with your skillset.

Briefly describe your organization.

Master Electronics distinguishes itself through its unique vision, mission and values. The company emphasizes a forward-thinking, entrepreneurial approach, with a commitment to innovation and excellence in the electronics industry. Our mission centers around providing exceptional products and services, fostering customer satisfaction and driving technological advancements. Our values include integrity, quality, customer focus and continuous improvement, reflecting a strong dedication to achieving long-term success.

What recent innovations, best practices and/or changes has your organization made?

Master Electronics is highly data driven and continuously evolves, making process enhancements to keep up with today’s rapidly changing technology landscape. This focus on data allows the company to make informed decisions, optimize operations and innovate effectively. By leveraging the latest advancements in technology and continuously refining our processes, Master Electronics maintains its competitive edge and ensures it meets the evolving needs of customers. We are continuously working on tools to extract valuable actionable information from various data sets.

Along with data, we love to look at trends. Very recently we invited our valued supplier partners, customers and rep firms to join us on a call with a reputable economist. On this call, a tremendous amount of data and trends were shared to prepare us all for the potential outcomes of the future.

What have you learned and/or what contacts have you made through ERA that have had the greatest positive impacts on you and/or your business?

The ERA organization is invaluable. They do an impeccable job of bringing together all sides of the industry, the representatives, the distributors and manufacturers. With their extensive offering of resources, ERA allows the communication of all three sides to be seamless. The majority of contacts I have made in the industry are either members of or are involved with the ERA organization in some capacity. The Master team who attends the ERA conference provides positive feedback and gains a deeper outlook and clarity on the industry from various perspectives.

What are some things you enjoy outside of the workplace?

I love volunteering opportunities that involve children, and often volunteer at events that allow me to do so. I very much enjoy traveling. Whether it be road trips to hidden gems more locally, or flying overseas, any chance to experience something new in different places is always exciting to me. Above all, spending time with family and friends and enjoying the hecticness of motherhood and family life is what I live for!

What is one interesting fact that people may not know about you?

Although my name may not reflect it, my nationality is South Asian, with my parents originating from India. I am deeply rooted in my culture and try to incorporate as much as I can into my family life.