Representor Winter 2022 - Chapter News

Winter 2022 – Chapter News

Chapter News reports the local activities of the 22 chapters of ERA. The chapters sponsor educational and training workshops, local trade shows, legislative and industry projects to enhance the professionalism of individual members and to advance the goals and mission of the national association.

Southern California ERA was finally able to host an in-person outing after a hiatus of almost two years. The chapter held its annual charity golf outing at the Black Gold Golf Club in Yorba Linda, Calif. in November. Seventy golfers had a brilliant Southern California day to demonstrate their golf skills on this challenging course. Golfers took the chance to renew old acquaintances and make new ones. It was one of those great relationship building events. Most importantly ERA Southern California Chapter, through the generosity of its members, distributors and principals, was able to donate $5,000 to Operation Homefront. Operation Homefront supports active duty personnel, veterans, disabled veterans and their families through times of need with funding, housing assistance and caregiver support.

Winners of the tournament were the team from Luscombe Engineering. Foursome members were Michael McCaig, Gene Anderson, Kevin Smith and Brian Puckett. Awards were presented after dinner by Chapter President, Gary Smith and guest emcee Bryan Shirley. Shoutout to Steve Tennessen, Doug Johnson and Rich Unruh for organizing the event.

The chapter looks forward to an active schedule for 2022. The goal for the chapter is to increase the value of ERA membership. The ERA Southern California Chapter wishes everyone a happy and prosperous New Year.

Chicagoland-Wisconsin ERA hosted a distributor panel event on Jan. 21, moderated by Rick LaPiana, Cain-Forlaw Co. The meeting was hosted virtually, and featured three distinguished panelists from Arrow Electronics, Heilind Electronics and TTI Inc. Topics discussed were rep/distributor collaboration, changes and challenges to the distribution model and a 2022 distribution outlook.

The chapter has appointed new officers for the 2022-2023 term. They are: Chairman: Rick LaPiana, Cain-Forlaw Company; President: Diana Nawrocki, Control Sales Inc.; VP / Fiscal & Legal: Fred Schneider, EAS Sales, a Mel Foster Company; VP / Education: Bob Evans, CPMR, EK Micro; and VP / Membership: Joe Braun, CPMR, of EK Micro. Officers elected for terms of three years (2022-2024) are: Director: Tom Trzeciak, ALT Technical Sales; National Delegate: Eric Sagendorph, Select Technology Sales; Alternate Delegate: Jeff Huntsinger, Huntsinger Group LLC. The following officers are continuing in place and serving through 2022: VP Marketing and Social Media: Zachary DeVillers, CPMR, CSP, Brainard Nielsen Marketing; Director: Kingsland Coombs, CPMR, CSP, Control Sales Inc.; Director: Daniel Knuf, DLK Technical Sales Inc.

Many thanks to all who voted and for your continued support of Chicagoland-Wisconsin ERA. And congratulations to all of the officers!

New England Chapter ERA was proud to partner with Molex to sponsor an annual holiday event and Toys for Tots Drive on Dec. 16. The event was held at the Holiday Inn in Tewksbury, Mass. and was well attended by reps, distributors and Molex employees. Many toys were donated and a donation was made to the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program. The event raised just short of $22,500 (so far) for the children this year. On top of all the monetary support, 290 toys were donated. Thanks to all who helped make this event a great success!

Northern California ERA recently announced its election results for new chapter officers for the 2022 term. They are: President: Larry Flores of Ross Marketing Associates; Vice President: Terri Straube of Straube Associates; Treasurer: Joe McGovern of Meridian Technical Sales Inc.; and Jr. Secretary: Erin Fox of TAARCOM Inc. Congratulations to all!

The chapter is also proud to announce that Larry Flores and Terri Straube completed COLT training in November 2021. Christian Alviso of Luscombe Engineering San Francisco has completed SPARK 2.0 training. More exciting events and updates are coming soon!

Rocky Mountain ERA hosted a chapter dinner meeting featuring guest speaker ERA CEO Walter Tobin in November. Walter joined the event via video and reported on industry trends, economic news, supply-chain disruption effects and general updates on the ERA.

The Carolinas ERA Chapter rolled through a challenging 2021 with a series of well-rounded networking events, featuring topics relevant to internal and external engagements: remaining relevant, customer capture and retention, staying motivated, cyber security, introducing a new supplier and others. The eight virtual events were well attended by reps and distributors, with lively engagement and sharing of industry experiences and best practices. The chapter is looking forward to a fresh roundup of discussions to kick off more inspiring and spirited discussions in 2022!

Carolinas ERA also held elections in December to appoint new officers for the 2022-2023 term. Officers: Chairman of the Board: Buzz Reynolds, CSP, Performance Technical Sales; President: Penny Langdon, Alliance Electronics Marketing Group; VP / Finance: Annette Paden, South Atlantic Component Sales Inc.; VP / Education: Bryan Teen, CPMR, Tech Marketing; VP / Membership: Hunter Starr, Performance Technical Sales. Directors: Peter Flores, TTI Inc.; John Hurd, CPMR, South Atlantic Component Sales Inc.; Ken Jacobson, Aurora Technical Sales; Brad Starr, CPMR, Performance Technical Sales; National Delegate: Greg Thompson, CPMR, South Atlantic Component Sales Inc., who will remain in the position until December 2024. Congratulations to all!

Southwest ERA is pleased to announce the appointment of new officers for the 2022-2023 term. They are: Chairman of the Board: Jim Moore, Fralia Co. & Associates; President: Tobi Cornell, CPMR, Kruvand Associates Inc.; VP/Legal: Jim Olson, CPMR, Erickson Sales Inc.; VP/Education & Secretary: Byron Holloway, Fralia Co. & Associates, VP/Treasurer: Mike Boswell, Blair Electra Southwest; VP/Membership & Events Coordinator: Chris Hodge, Fralia Co. & Associates. Directors: Austin Area Coordinator: Rob Curtiss, Kruvand Associates Inc.; Houston Area Coordinator: Jeff May, Logix Sales & Marketing. The National Delegate, Jim Moore, Fralia Co. & Associates will remain in the position until December 2024.