Learning from seasoned colleagues while piecing together his own approach

Adam Brames
Adam Brames
C C Electro Sales, Inc.
To gain a better insight into how young professionals in the electronics industry have turned challenges into opportunities and ensured continued growth, The Representor interviewed Adam Brames, outside sales representative at C C Electro Sales, Inc.
Brames shared how learning from and valuing the knowledge that seasoned colleagues bring to the table helps them all work to solve current challenges supply chain back-ups, continuing COVID-19 challenges and attracting new talent to the industry.
Please tell us a little bit about yourself (personally and professionally).
I grew up in Colorado Springs, Colo. and thanks to family and college ended up in Indianapolis about six years ago. I received my degree from Butler University in International Business in 2019 and landed in the electronics industry. I am currently an outside sales representative at C C Electro Sales Inc., covering a large portion of Ohio and Kentucky. Outside of work I enjoy fly fishing, golfing, woodworking, kayaking, cycling and supporting my favorite sports teams.
How long have you worked in the electronics industry?
Almost three years full-time, but I did two internships during college in this industry.
What made you choose this industry as your current career path?
By word of mouth and “right place at the right time,” C C Electro Sales approached me in college with an internship offer. It’s been a fun learning process over the last few years and is an incredibly dynamic and ever-changing industry.
What are some of the main challenges you encountered as you embarked on your career journey?
More recently, COVID-19 has altered the traditional sales process, forcing many salespeople in the industry to change their marketing and sales strategies. When I first started in the industry, I struggled to understand the ongoing and dynamic relationships between reps, distributors and principals as well.
What steps have you taken to overcome these challenges and ensure that you can establish and nurture a successful career?
Learning from those around me. Nearly everyone at our rep firm has been in the industry for several years and they possess a wealth of knowledge regarding many of these challenges. There is a diversity of opinions and approaches to address current challenges today, but as I piece together my own approach, I value any input I receive. I have found this a valuable resource, and we have worked collectively to overcome COVID related challenges and drive numbers up and to the right.
What were some training tools or networking/industry events that you found beneficial to your professional growth?
I think new talent is always welcome in any industry and anything that brings in younger and newer faces is a benefit to the industry as a whole.
I think one of the largest hurdles at present in making this field more attractive to future young professionals is that the industry is relatively unknown. I think the phrase “you don’t know what you don’t know,” holds true in this scenario, and I think if we want to attract new talent to the industry then one of the first steps is educating prospects that it even exists.
Do you think that there is enough new talent entering the electronics industry and what could make this field more attractive to young professionals?
I have found many of the ERA resources to be helpful, including the Water Cooler series and the podcasts. ECIA and ERA also put on a SPARK series for young professionals in electronics with several useful sessions. Local ERA chapters have a lot to offer in terms of learning about the territory and networking with other reps and distributors. I have my direct manager, Ellen Coan, to thank for this as she has been involved in the local chapter for years.
Do you think that there is enough new talent entering the electronics industry and what could make this field more attractive to young professionals?
Honestly no, but considering the current demand for labor in this country I think most industries are actively seeking out young talent. Our calling card will be the fact that this is the tech industry, with rapidly advancing input products and end products with the ability to improve the lives of many across the globe. This point should be emphasized by all reps, distributors and principals trying to attract new talent.
Where do you see your profession and the industry 10 to 20 years from now?
Great question. I think we will see a continued expansion of online resources such as datasheets, white papers and case studies simplifying the design-in process. Personal relationships developed during the sales cycle are a key to success in this industry and will always play a role. Ongoing education regarding adaptive sales strategies and effectively solving customers challenges needs to be emphasized. Technological advances are going to continue rapidly, particularly in the fields of IoT, robotics, automation and electric vehicles. Global demand for these advances will only grow over time, and it is critical we adapt in order to effectively bring new technologies to market.
Professionally, what keeps you up at night?
In the short term, the current global supply chain constraints concern me. What we are currently seeing in terms of lead times and delivery are unprecedented and permeate nearly every level of the electronics supply chain, ranging from shipping and transportation to raw materials. Mining, resin production, energy markets, metals and even assembly capabilities are facing enormous pressure and considering current market demands, it’s unclear when or how this pressure will be alleviated. If not resolved, this could become a long-term issue.