> ERA Water Cooler: Maintaining a Company Culture in a Remote Environment
On Nov. 2, 2021, ERA held the Water Cooler session, “Maintaining a Company Culture in a Remote Environment.”
This discussion focused on the challenges that organizations face in maintaining a company culture, including how to effectively stay connected with employees, promoting employee morale and navigating the current empowered employee environment.
The session was facilitated by ERA CEO Walter Tobin and co-facilitated by Seamus Dolan, director of sales for Crouzet; John Hutson, CPMR, president of MacInnis Group; and Riad Nizam, president of Master Electronics.
More than 100 ERA members and non-yet members attended the session and had a chance to participate in a live Q&A.
An audio recording of this session and all past discussions are available on demand at the ERA Water Cooler Audio Library.