Did you know? ERA Rep Members can edit their own company listing! Your company's key ERA contact needs to sign into ERA.org. Once signed in, hover over LOGIN on the top blue menu. Click Member Profile; your company listing will appear. Click the red “EDIT COMPANY LISTING” button in the top right-hand corner and make the necessary changes. Be sure to click Submit when finished.
If you need assistance with this process, contact Natalie Zullo, ERA Operations Specialist, at nzullo@era.org.
Lorenz Sales, Inc.
Branch Offices
Cedar Rapids, IA - Minneapolis, MN - St. Louis, MO - Kansas City, KS - Omaha, NE
Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Missouri, Western WI, Southern IL
Number of Employees
Product Groups
Consumer Electronics, Components, Semiconductors, RF Microwave and Wireless, Instrumentation and Sensors, Electronic Systems Integration Group, Computer, Communications, Materials Assembly Production and Supply