ERA LIVE – New Rep Contract Agreement
The next ERA LIVE will be…
Wednesday, May 15
4 PM – 5 PM EDT
The NEW Suggested Rep Contract Agreement
Adam Glazer and Leonard Gambino, Attorneys at SFBBG, ERA General counsel
In this session, Adam Glazer, Esq., and Leonard Gambino, Esq., SFBBG attorneys and ERA Legal Counsel, will give an overview of the new, suggested rep agreement that will be introduced soon on for ERA members. Manufacturers’ reps and manufacturers can both benefit from attending this session — reps, learn the nuances of the new updated rep agreement template and how to advocate for issues that are important to you. Manufacturers, learn the issues that reps are concerned about today. It is a two-way communication and negotiation!
Note: This session is open to all, but it will be most valuable to reps and manufacturers.
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