New England ERA Virtual Event
Lunch and Virtual Discussion with Budde Marketing Systems
Register for the upcoming New England ERA Chapter event featuring a special presentation by Mike Budde, Jr. of Budde Marketing Systems.
Guest Speaker: Michael Budde Jr., Vice President of Budde Marketing Systems Inc.
Bring your own lunch and join this lively virtual discussion that will focus on:
• Budde Marketing Systems overview
• DTAM/POS Index analysis
• Future-focused data management tips for reps and manufacturers
• Q&A session
Questions? Contact John Hutson at
Join the meeting via MS Teams on your computer or mobile app:
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only)
+1 323-419-5946,,815009912# United States
Phone Conference ID: 815 009 912#
About Budde Marketing Systems
Budde Marketing Systems has been managing POS data programs and providing channel data analysis since 1996. Primarily focused on the electronic components industry, Budde Marketing works with over 140 manufacturers and reps; offering custom data management systems of any scale.