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VIA Optronics

Product / Services Description

As a complete system solution provider, VIA optronics has decades of experience with materials, processes and displays. We have state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities with semi- and fully-automated production lines, sophisticated assembly processes and optimized quality control measures. At the same time, our flexible and modular design allows us a high degree of customization and makes us a one-stop-solution provider.

Our interactive display systems (IDS) make the difference. They combine system design, interactive (touch) displays, software functions, cameras and other hardware components and enable a wide range of system functions. Starting as a niche market player for display enhancement, VIA optronics has grown to become a global provider of display solutions and systems based on:

* Unique optical bonding process technology and material competence
* Copper metal mesh touch sensor design and manufacturing capability
* In-house camera module design
* Fully automated production
* System integration know-how

VIA optronics can provide display and system level solutions for all markets.

Product Groups

Components, Computer, Consumer Electronics, Instrumentation & Sensors, Materials, Assembly & Production, Electronics System Integration

Territory(s) Open

Arizona, Carolinas, Chesapeake, Chicagoland-Wisconsin, Empire State, Florida-Sunshine, Heart of America, Indiana-Kentucky, Michigan, Mid-Lantic, Minnesota, New England, New York, Northern California, Ohio, Pacific Northwest, Rocky Mountain, Southeast, Southern California, Southwest, Spirit of St. Louis

Customer Bases

Industrial / OEM, Military / Aerospace, Government, Educational, Medical, Avionics

Commission Rate

Gross National Sales

Years in Business

Contact Information



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