> Meridith Elliott Powell Selected as Keynote Speaker at 2023 ERA Conference
The Electronics Representatives Association (ERA) is pleased to announce that Meridith Elliott Powell, award-winning author, speaker and business strategist, will be the keynote speaker at the 2023 ERA Conference, which will take place Feb. 26-28 at the AT&T Conference Center in Austin, Texas.
Powell will open the 2023 Conference program on Monday morning, Feb. 27, with her presentation “THRIVE: Turn Uncertainty into your Competitive Advantage.”
With a background in corporate sales and leadership, Powell’s career expands over several industries including banking, healthcare and finance. She has worked her way up from an entry-level position to earn her seat at the C-Suite table. She is a Certified Speaking Professional – a designation held by less than 12 percent of professional speakers – a member of the prestigious Forbes Coaching Council and was recently inducted into the National Speaker Association’s Hall of Fame. Powell was voted one of the Top 15 Business Growth Experts to watch by Currency Fair.
Powell’s keynote presentation will motivate your organization to make a plan to take these unprecedented times and an ever-changing, uncertain business landscape and turn them into an opportunity to thrive and grow. She will share the code, secret and exact ingredients for the plan you need to put yourself in the driver’s seat and in control in the face of uncertainty.
Conference Keynote Sub-Committee co-chairs Jeff May, President, Logix Sales and Marketing, and Tom Wichert, Executive VP Sales and Marketing for TDK Lambda-Americas, commented on the selection of Powell to present as keynote speaker.
“In step with this year’s conference theme of ‘Moving On, Moving Beyond,’ Meridith’s visionary message will provide valuable strategic insight to guide our electronics industry into the future,” said May.
“Meridith will present a plan to help us thrive through uncertainty and transform our challenges into a competitive advantage,” said Wichert. “She is a sales strategist, leadership expert, consultant and award-winning author and we’re thrilled to have her share her knowledge with Conference attendees.”
ERA thanks the entire 2023 ERA Conference Keynote subcommittee for their time and dedication in reviewing keynote candidates and making a selection.
For more information about the Conference and to register, visit: https://era.org/era-events/era-conference/.