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> ERA Quick Connections — January 2025, Vol. 2

January 2025, Volume 2


November 2024 dipped from October numbers by over 12 percent; however, October is traditionally an exceptionally strong month. When comparing November of this year vs. last year, November 2024 is actually up about 2 percent from 2023. December should probably run about the same as November if history repeats itself. We believe that the presidential election may have a significant impact on 2025.

See the full POS report from


> The governor of New York has unveiled a state budget proposal that offers free tuition to students seeking community college degrees to work in the semiconductor industry. This effort is an attempt to boost the supply of trained workers for Micron Technology’s new facilities in the state. Read more.

> A recent hiring report from the small business sector found that 35 percent of small businesses reported unfilled job openings in December, yet 49 percent of small business owners reported few or no applicants for open positions. Read more.

These are the top small business challenges — including growing your customer base, growing a great company culture, customer satisfaction and supply chain disruption — and some tips for overcoming them. Read more.


The January ERA Electronics Components Industry Trends survey is now closed.

Please note: ERA sends this survey monthly to one contact from each ERA member firm via email. Please be on the lookout for this survey in your email inbox. Help us make this survey a valuable resource for you and the rest of our members by taking 5 minutes to complete this each month. The results are visible only to ERA members and gives us a great cross-section of what our members see on the horizon for the near and long term.



>REMINDER: The deadline is January 31 to apply for a ERA Mark Motsinger White Pin Internship award! ERA recommends searching for interns on (It is free to create an account and post!)

This internship program offers a manufacturers’ rep (who is an ERA member) a chance to hire a college student as an intern, with ERA and the White Pin group subsidizing a substantial portion of the anticipated internship cost. ERA aims to give out FIVE monetary awards in 2025. Awarded rep firms will be announced mid-February! Read more and apply.

Attention 2025 ERA Conference attendees: It is time to register for your breakout sessions! This advance registration assists us with making room assignments and ensures adequate seating for each session. Your prompt response is most appreciated.

There are multiple breakout session time slots on Monday, Feb. 24 and Tuesday, Feb. 25. You may choose one session in each time slot.

Read more details about all of the breakouts sessions, and register here! (Note: When registering, please enter the same e-mail address used when you registered for the Conference!)

View Conference schedulesponsor listlist of attendees, and more at the ERA Conference webpage.

> Have you looked at the ERA HoverMap® lately? New DTAM data is now updated through Q3 of 2024 for all of the territories/regions!

The ERA HoverMap® allows manufacturers and suppliers to find reps by territory and zip code and identify ERA chapters! You must be an ERA member to view the HoverMap®.


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